The Democrats learned nothing from this election
A Patriot's Opinion
By Jim Snyder
Well it seems that the democrat party has learned nothing from their loss in the November election. The American people spoke and told them that they were tired of the same old political cronyism and they wanted a change.
But ever since the night of Nov. 8, they are acting like nothing has changed as far as they are concerned. The democrat party refuses to admit they lost. They are blaming their loss on anything and everything except themselves. And even though they were caught red handed trying to fix the election in Hillary’s favor they still deny all of it. The former head of the DNC Debbie Wassermann Schultz was forced to resign due to rigging the primary process against Bernie Sanders. And even after getting caught, Ms. Schultz acted as if she had done nothing wrong. Then her replacement, Donna Brazile was caught giving debate questions to the Hillary Clinton campaign ahead of the debates. And once again, Ms. Brazile denied doing any of it even though there were emails proving she did what she did. Now it is rumored they are considering a radical leftist Muslim congressman as the new head of the DNC. So let me get this straight. The American people rejected your party because they thought you were leaning too far left. And your solution to regaining power is to move even farther left? Do they not realize that this is what the American people rejected? Apparently not as they seem to be doubling down on their far left agenda. And even though Hillary conceded the election Jill Stein has filed demanding a recount in three states. Isn’t it ironic that when Hillary’s campaign thought they were going to win the election they wanted Trump to promise to accept the results of the election? But now those same people are the ones wanting to challenge the results of the election simply because they don’t like the outcome. And then there are the protesters, many of whom are carrying signs that say “Love trumps Hate” while they are beating up people who disagree with them and destroying or burning innocent people’s property. That doesn’t sound like “love” to me.
There are also liberal groups who say we need to change the constitution so that the elections would be determined by the popular vote rather than by the Electoral College. Of course none of these people would have ever been heard from had their candidate (Mrs. Clinton) won the election. And speaking of the Electoral College, do these people not realize that the Electoral College system that they are protesting was actually designed to protect their states representation in the voting process? Yes that is correct. The founding fathers knew this when they originally chose this system of electing the president. It was designed so that all states no matter how small would have representation and a part in the election process. If the elections were decided by the popular vote a handful of states like California, New York, Texas, Florida, Oregon, & Washington w o u l d determine the election simply due to their population numbers. And smaller states or states with fewer people would basically be ignored. Is that what these folks consider to be a fair election system? As mentioned before if Hillary had won none of this would have ever been mentioned. Being a sore loser is not very flattering but that seems to be the lefts current agenda. So far all we have seen is basically blame everyone else for our failures. There has been no sense of “maybe we need to do things differently.” But rather a commitment to keep doing what we have been doing except lets be even more aggressive than ever. WOW, this reminds me of the old saying; “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” And the other one: “If you don’t learn from your mistakes you are bound to repeat them.” Well it seems that is where the democrat party is heading. I’m sure all of us can remember kids when we were growing up who would say that if you didn’t play by their rules they weren’t going to play at all. Little did we know at the time that those were future democrats in training.
The bottom line here is simple; the democrat party ignored the American worker. Instead they concentrated their efforts on pandering to illegal immigrants and other groups who contribute little but demand benefits. And the American workers who have been footing the bill for this never ending circus of freebies finally said enough is enough.
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