Special session ends over impasse on property tax reform bill

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AUSTIN — Gov. Greg Abbott gave legislators 20 mustpass items, but the lawmakers delivered only 12 bills to his desk during the first called session of the 85th Texas Legislature.

Both the House and Senate gaveled to final adjournment on Aug. 15, the 29th day of the 30-day session, after deadlines left negotiators without enough time to resolve differences in Senate Bill 1, the property tax reform bill. The House adjourned first, leaving the Senate to accept its substituted version of SB 1 or let it die. The Senate adjourned and the bill died.

Another measure that died was SB 3, the so-called bathroom bill. The legislation attempted to codify who does and who does not belong in restrooms, showers and changing facilities intended for use for a particular gender. SB 3 was promoted and supported by Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, but opponents testified that the legislation was unconstitutionally discriminatory and would have negative effects on the economy. The Senate passed SB 3 with all Republicans in favor and all but one Democrat against. When SB 3 moved to the House, Speaker Joe Straus, who sided with a list of prominent businesses that registered in opposition, kept it from advancing any farther.

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