Parade brings Santa to Lone Star

Edgar's picture


LONE STAR – Residents and visitors lined Main Street in Lone Star on Dec. 11 for their annual Christmas parade. The parade marked the last of the season for the Steel Country area, and one of the last chances for children to see and visit Santa locally before Christmas.

For about a mile on Main Street, residents watched as floats from Daingerfield-Lone Star ISD, area churches, business, and groups made the trek down the parade route, with many tossing candy to those in attendance.

The Daingerfield High School marching band led off the parade, immediately following the color guard and American Legion, playing selections from their fall marching routine. Band members showed their holiday spirit with lights, Santa hats, and even a Christmas tree atop the bass drum. The maintenance department from D-LS ISD had their pallet Christmas tree float, joining the DHS FFA, cheerleaders from the high school and junior high, and South elementary school representing the school district.


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