Be prepared
Most folks in the Camp County/Pittsburg area know where I stand when it comes to guns and gun control. For those who don’t know, I’m a Life and Endowment member of the National Rifle Association (NRA), an NRA Pistol and NRA Firearms Safety in the Home instructor, a NRA Range Safety Officer, an advanced combat pistol instructor and a state certified Texas License to Carry instructor. So that’s put me in the group the “so called” main stream media call gun nuts.
I remember being told by a fellow in Virginia that he could never think of any reason to even own a gun. A year or so later, after he was robbed and beaten, he bought a gun and got his Va. concealed carry permit (CCP). I was team teaching the NRA basic pistol class with a group of other NRA instructors. This course was the only course a person had to take to get their Va. CCP. He was surprised to see me there and explained to me later what had happened to him.
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