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Turkey Shoot
The Avinger Area Chamber of Commerce is getting geared up for its second annual Turkey Shoot on Saturday, Nov. 9. For more details call Jeff Patterson at 903-562-1418.

Chili Supper
The Lions Club and PEO will sponsor a chili supper Nov. 1, from 5 to 7 p.m., at South Elementary Cafeteria.

Flu Shots
Flu shots will be available at the Hughes Springs Community Building at 902 E. 1st St. in Hughes Springs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Nov. 6. You must be 18 years and older. Shots cost $25 in cash and Medicare is accepted. For further information, call 903-639-7519.

Williams Chapel Baptist Church will hold its 123rd church anniversary and homecoming celebration at 3 p.m. on Nov. 3. Lester Heath of Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church of Los Angeles, Calif. will be the guest speaker. For further information, call 903-380-3831 or 903-884-3737.

The “BUDDY,” a non-profit organization, is sponsoring a fish and link plate dinner and sandwich fund-raiser on Saturday, Nov. 2, starting at 11 a.m. All proceeds go to the Brother, Uncle, Dads Developing Youth (BUDDY) organization of East Texas, a mentoring program designed to assist our youth. Advance orders can be called in and meals can be delivered to sick or shut ins. Call 903-676-6178 or 903-305-6387.

Fall Fest
 A fall fest will be held Nov. 2 at Fellowship Baptist Church starting at 6 p.m. The Bethlehem Bluegrass Band will be the special guests. There will be food, a cakewalk and lots of fun. Everyone welcome.

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