The Buzz: Reflecting on the fall season

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By Marlene Bohr
It was exactly a year ago that the fall season was in full swing and we had just finished with Halloween and preparations were underway for the Thanksgiving season.
This year sure had cities going all out with scarecrows and I hope a lot of you took time to browse around and see the different ones in Hughes Springs and Daingerfield. I am always amazed at the ladies of the Red Radiance Garden Club in Hughes Springs that come up with such great fashion scarecrows. Such a variety those ladies have and very ingenious ways of making them all different. This year they added bright, orange wreaths to their handicrafts.
Paint the Town Pink in conjunction with Sally’s Hope took off with scarecrow decorations all over, included in fall items such as pumpkins, bales of hay and so on. It was really fun to see the downtown area of Daingerfield dressed up with pink bows. Many businesses went all out to make it a really special occasion.
From the list of winners from events at Daingerfield Days, it was obvious there were many people involved and such a variety of activities and things to participate in. There were lots of good things to eat also.
Schools are full of fall activities and of course, many sports, including that mainstay, football. This time of the year is one busy time for students, teachers, parents and grandparents alike. I can hear the Hughes Springs band practicing when I’m outside in my yard; even when a football game is going on. They are sounding fantastic.  
The end of October signifies the big event of the Daingerfield Health Fair. Even though retired as a school nurse, Martha Baker continues her work with the fair. She signs groups up and speakers to talk that day. This takes her many months of planning and arranging and re-arranging to pull this event off. Many, many people tell me they look forward to this event and the information that is offered. I can assure you that she has begun work already on next year’s health fair.
In looking back at the last few weeks, I feel very grateful to live in East Texas, especially in our area of East Texas. There is a lot going on and if you keep abreast of things, you can’t get bored.
If you haven’t gotten your flu shot by now, you still have time. Don’t forget to take every caution against that flu bug that is one of the ugliest things we have in East Texas. Wash your hands, wash your hands, and keep washing your hands. Authorities on the subject tell us that is the best defense we have. Keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you and use it often when you are in public, when you use restrooms, handle money, before you eat out. Don’t let the enjoyment of being out cause you to forget. No one wants to be under the weather for the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
Stay safe in your preparations for a happy holiday season.

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