Margine Mims receives Outstanding Community Service Award

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Texas Homeless Network presented Margine Mims of Daingerfield with the Outstanding Community Service Award during an awards reception on Sept. 25, as part of the annual Texas Conference on Ending Homelessness.  
For over 25 years, Mrs. Mims has sponsored the Mims Scholarship that has supported numerous students to go on to successful careers in areas such as teaching, law practice, and nursing.  Each year the scholarship supports six low income and/or at-risk students. Mrs. Mims knows the scholarship gives these students an opportunity out of their low poverty living situation. As if offering the scholarship is not enough, she takes it a step further and stays in touch with the students and financial aid offices providing oversight and motivation.  
In addition to the scholarship fund, she sponsors a local basketball tournament, helps local elderly and disabled families complete paperwork to receive items that improve their quality of life, such as wheelchair accessible ramps, air conditioners, and refrigerators, works tirelessly volunteering at her church, collects clothes for individuals experiencing homelessness, and socks for nursing home patients. Quite impressive for anyone, much less someone over 70 years of age.
Mrs. Mims was nominated by Shanta Lockett.
“Her goal in life is to help people in any way she can,” Mrs. Lockett said. “She does this type of assistance from her heart.”

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