Commissioners keep silent on progress of transportation reinvestment zone

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By Marlene J. Bohr
As a follow up to the Jan. 6, public hearing in the Morris County Commissioners’ court, the commissioners discussed approving a law firm to handle the possible $118,000 plus that could be received by the county through County Energy Transportation Reinvestment Zones (CETRZ). The proposal died for lack of a second after Morris County Judge Lynda Munkres made the motion for approval at the Jan. 13 meeting.
The commissioners looked at hiring Allison, Bass & Associates LLP to handle the legal information on the CETRZ. This money is authorized by the Texas legislature to promote one or more infrastructure projects to be located in the county to be funded by CETRZ.
Judge Munkres said the commissioners have 30 days after this date to take appropriate action on the matter.
“We can ask for three times this amount if we wish,” Judge Munkres said.
Commissioner Gary Camp had questions.
“After you have done all of this, what strings are attached after that?” he asked.
Judge Munkres said the only requirement was that they do one zone for the project.
“You take some of the land in the area and it should be the one with the least taxes,” she said. “What you have in mind is putting money back in the county for the road and bridge program. You can do more projects, but only one has to be in the zone.”
Mr. Camp said he was still not seeing the point in the CETRZ.
“If we don’t do it, another county will get the money,” Judge Munkres said. “We have 30 days; this is time sensitive.”

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