Opera House Theatre Players features Durrum on Feb. 9

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Margaret Durrum will perform at the Opera House Theatre Players in Jefferson on Feb. 9. Mrs. Durrum got her first guitar on her 45th birthday party from her husband, Jim, a native of Jefferson.  She said his faith in her ability to learn how to play - and the large amount of money he spent on the instrument - inspired her to dive in and take on the task of figuring it out on her own.  And it wasn’t easy, she said.
She spent many months with instruction books and practiced resolutely until one day she realized that she had a repertoire of about 50 classical and rock songs, plus a few Beatles tunes to entertain herself, her family and friends with. Since then she has done just that including a stint at a Longview restaurant and at public events similar to the one she will be the featured entertainer at during the Opera
House Theatre Players popular fund-raiser ‘Chocolate Sunday’ scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 9 at the DB Franchise Restaurant.

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