Group hears yearly update of 2-1-1 service

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By Marlene J. Bohr

Adam Teer, executive director of CANHelp, updated his agency’s 2-1-1 responses and help during the January meeting of Ounce of Prevention.
In addition to 9-1-1 services, in Texas, 2-1-1 is a free, easy-to-use phone number that connects callers anywhere in Texas with health and human service providers in their community. This service is for anyone who needs help and doesn’t know where to turn. It is available statewide, 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is multilingual. Call specialists have access to interpreters of any language.
This service is also the state disaster-information line and can connect callers to disaster-relief resources.
Mr. Teer said getting a human person on the line is the key to the 2-1-1 service.
“People in need are having trouble navigating local services,” Mr. Teer said. “The 2-1-1 service is free service available for any Texan. When 2-1-1 is called, you always get a human person on the line. You can also check the web site at
“We need to realize people are not just names on a piece of paper; they are real people that do without in your community. Many people are in need and do not know to call 2-1-1. Our representatives can handle calls in any language.”
Mr. Teer gave a breakdown in area counties.
“In Camp County there were 132 referral calls that needed local resources,” he said. “There were 37 that needed help with electric bills, 21 for food pantries, eight for rent, six for clinics and six for help with gas bills. We were able to point them in the direction of the agency that could meet their needs. We did have some unmet needs where no referrals could be made. They included four requesting rent, three dental, two water bills, one clinic and one for housing and shelter.

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