Hometown Person

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Full name: Craig Toney.
I have lived in: Pittsburg, Longview and Mount Vernon.
Family: Wife, SuAnne; and children Austin, Clayton Madison.
Pets: Oreo, a lazy dog.
Occupation: Principal at South Elementary.
One of the best things about my job is:  The opportunity to impact people in a positive way every day.
My ideal vacation is:  On a beach.
My hero is: Jesus because He rescued me from darkness and transferred me to His Kingdom.
My favorite TV show is: Andy Griffith and football.
My favorite healthy snack is: Peanut butter.
A cause I most believe in is: Helping people to be all God created them to be so they can do what God has called them to do.
If I could change one thing about East Texas, it would be: Nothing. I love living in East Texas.
The person who has influenced my life most is: My wife and kids. I live with some amazing people.  They have shaped me so much in so many ways.
The scariest thing that ever happened to me was: Being nearly blown off the road driving by a nearby tornado.  
If I had to do it all over again, I’d: Written down all of dad’s stories from his days in World War II.
The most exciting or dangerous thing I’ve ever done was: Scuba diving on the Santa Rosa wall in Cozumel.
If I won a trip to anywhere, I would go to: Alaska on a cruise.
I would have liked to participate in the historical event of: The parting of the Red Sea.
Two words that describe me are: Tall and friendly.
Included on my bucket list is: A trip to Hawaii.

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