Daingerfield Chamber of Commerce banquet is Saturday

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By Marlene J. Bohr
“Celebrating the History of Steel Country” is the theme of the Daingerfield Chamber of Commerce banquet that will be held on Saturday night at 6:30. The banquet will be held in the Daingerfield High School cafeteria and a steak dinner will be prepared and served by members of the Daingerfield Volunteer Fire Department.
Come and hear about the history of the steel industry from various people in our community, including a representative from US Steel.
Awards to be presented this year will be the Horizon Award, Lifetime Achievement, Woman of the Year, Volunteer Fireman of the Year, Educators of the Year, Community Service Award, Community Pride Award, Citizen of the Year, and Business of the Year.
Nominees for the Community Pride Award are Hawkins Family Restaurant, Brookshire’s Grocery and Daingerfield Country Club.

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