Con artist asphalt pavers preying on local residents

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By Marlene J. Bohr
Hughes Springs Police Chief Randy Kennedy advises area residents to beware of asphalt paver scams in the area.
“There have been con artist asphalt pavers in the area, driving new vehicles,” Chief Kennedy said. “They will come up with the excuse they have been doing a construction job down the road and have asphalt left over. They want to put it in your driveway and after they begin paving the drive, they charge the individual several thousand dollars for the work done. If the individual refuses to pay, they threaten a lawsuit.
“Most of them are men and are driving new trucks.”
Chief Kennedy said he believed the pavers are from Texarkana, Ark.
“Their standard con is that they have just finished a job down the road and have some asphalt left over they can put on your drive for a very low price,” Chief Kennedy said. “The next thing you know they have laid down more than what they said they would and are now charging a whole lot more for the ‘job.’ If you don’t pay them, they threaten you with a law suit claiming that they can take your property away from you and just basically try to bully you into paying. If these people approach you just tell them you are not interested and ask them to leave. If they try to pressure you then tell them you are calling the police and they will leave.”
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