Daingerfield grad receives Leader of the Year

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Nanette Terry Sissney, a 1970 graduate of Daingerfield High School, has been named the 2013-14 Leader of the Year by the Texas Classroom Teachers Association. TCTA, a professional association for teachers and other classroom professionals, annually presents its Leader of the Year Award to a TCTA member for exceptional service and commitment, leadership and a unique ability for leading local TCTA efforts. Whitesboro CTA, a local affiliate of the state wide TCTA, nominated Ms. Sissney for the award for her long history of leadership in the organization. The nomination highlighted her service at the local level in volunteer roles ranging from scholarship committee chair to president. It also noted Ms. Sissney’s service at the regional level as District 10 director and a member of TCTA’s Directors’ Council. Finally, it praised her years of state-level service, which culminated with Ms. Sissney serving as TCTA’s state president in 2012-13. Now immediate past-president, she continues to serve on the 10 member TCTA Executive Daingerfield grad receives Leader of the Year Nanette Terry Sissney Board—the highest elected body of the state wide group. In addition to her work with TCTA, Ms. Sissney also serves her profession as vice-chair of the Texas Teacher Retirement System Board of Trustees.
Gov. Rick Perry appointed her to one of two active TRS member positions on the board in 2009. Her term will expire in 2015. Ms. Sissney, a counselor at Whitesboro Intermediate School, has been a TCTA member for her entire 22-year career in education.
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