Hughes Springs’ alumni graduate from Ouachita Baptist University

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Ouachita Baptist University President Rex M. Horne Jr. honored Ouachita’s largest graduating class since the early 1980s at the university’s May 10 commencement ceremony. 
University officials recognized a total of 357 graduates, including 294 bachelor of arts degrees, 51 bachelor of science degrees, 13 bachelor of music degrees and two bachelor of music education degrees. The Saturday morning service was held on the lawn of Ouachita’s historic Cone-Bottoms Hall. A video of Saturday’s commencement exercises is available at 
Ouachita Baptist University, a lead ing liberal arts university, is ranked nationally among “America’s Best Colleges” by U.S. News & World Report and Forbes magazines. Founded in Arkadelphia in 1886, Ouachita seeks to foster a love of God and a love of learning in a Christ-centered learning community. 
Texas graduates who were recognized at the May 10 ceremony include the following from Hughes Springs:
Clay McKinney, cum laude, with a bachelor of arts, business administration/management and finance.
Alex Trevino with a bachelor of science in biology.
J.D. Trevino, with a bachelor of arts in business administration/management.
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