Lady Mustangs lead in district softball honors

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Hughes Springs and Redwater shared the top coaching honors in the District for the year. Coach Tisha Thompson of Hughes Springs was named Coach of the Year.
The Offensive Player of the Year was captured by Ashlin Roach of Hughes Springs.
Camryn Byrd, a freshman in Daingerfield, shared Newcomer of the Year honors. Voting was conducted by the District coaches.
First Team choices were catcher Becca Crossland of Hughes Springs, outfielder Chloe Hicks of Hughes Springs and Breanne Gunn of Hughes Springs.
Kaitlyn Morris, Hughes Springs’ pitcher, captured a spot on the Second Team, as did Bailey Tenbrook of Hughes Springs for second base, Meme Black of Daingerfield for shortshop, and Alexius Porter of Daingerfield as outfielder. 
KJ Murphy, Halie Pippin, Emily Meade and Katelyn Poth captured Honorable Mention honors.
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