Crack cocaine found during traffic search

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Marlene J. Bohr
A traffic search conducted by Daingerfield Police Officer Brandon Fulcher resulted in an arrest for possession of a controlled substance, according to Daingerfield Police Chief Tracey Climer.
“On June 21, Officer Fulcher conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for loud music,” Chief Climer said. “The driver was identified as Michael Ray Parker, 58, of Daingerfield. Mr. Parker granted ed consent to search the vehicle. During the search, a green plastic baggie containing an off-white substance believed to be crack cocaine was located. Mr. Parker was placed into custody
and charged with possession of a controlled substance, penalty Group 1, under 1 gram, a state jail felony. Mr. Parker’s vehicle was impounded by Stan’s Wrecker Service.”
State jail felonies are punishable by 180 days to two years in a state jail facility and a maximum fine of $10,000. State jail facilities are operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. State jail sentences are unique in that persons incarcerated in a state jail facility cannot be released early for good behavior.
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