Driver taken to jail after drugs were found in vehicle

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By: Marlene J. Bohr
Jacqueline Jones, 55, of Daingerfield, was arrested June 13 and charged  with possession of acontrolled substance, according to Morris County Sheriff Jack Martin. “Deputy Hershel Stroman observed a suspiciousvehicle operating without headlights at night on June 13 and conducted a traffic stop,” Sheriff Martin said.
“Deput Stroman identified the driver of the vehicleas Ms. Jones. During the traffic stop, Deputy Stroman found Ms. Jones to be in possession of crack cocaine and placed her underarrest for possession of a controlled substance, Penalty Group One, less than One Gram, which is a state jail felony.”
State jail felonies are punishable by180 days to two years in a state jail facility and a maximum fine of $10,000. State jail facilities are operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. State jail sentences are unique in that persons incarcerated in a state jail facility cannot be released early for good behavior


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