Marijuana plants were seized by police at a Daingerfield residence

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Marlene J. Bohr
After a visit to a residence on June 18, where Morris County deputies located 10 marijuana plants, an arrest was made, according to Morris County Sheriff Jack  Martin.
“Morris County Sheriff’s Deputy Will Henderson received information of narcoticsactivity on Franklin Street in Daingerfield,”Sheriff Martin said. “Deputy Henderson, assisted by Deputy Hershel Stroman, went to the location son located and seized 10 potted marijuana plants for evidence.
“Mr. Woodson was placed under arrest and charged with possession of marijuana over 4 ounces, less than 5 pounds.”
The charge is a state jail felony and is punishable by up to two years confinement in a Texas State Jail facility and a fine of up to $10,000.


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