County to continue negotiations with affiliated hospital indigent care
By Angela Guillory
Commissioners discussed authorizing Bowie County to provide clinical services for Cass County residents during court session on Nov. 24. Precinct 3 Commissioner Paul Cothren pointed out that the county’s indigent health care officer recently retired and asked commissioner to listen to a possible option that could benefit the county.
In Bowie County it is a calibration between Wadley Regional Medical Center and CHRISTUS St. Michael to provide services to indigent healthcare eligible patients under its charity care policy. They do not bill the county for these services.
Attorney Thomas McKinney said they help hospitals calibrate with government entities all across Texas. McKinney explained twice a year there is an opportunity for the county to contribute to the state Medicaid program in turn for every $100 the county contributes, the hospitals will receive $250. Together the two hospitals provided $30 million in uncompensated cost to low income patients. There is no required amount the county is required to contribute.
Once the county adopts a resolution authorizing Bowie County to provide services for low income indigent health persons both hospitals will accept qualifying patients. An affiliation agreement would designate funds to Wadley Regional Medical Center and CHISTUS St. Michael.
Bowie County was among the first 16 counties to start the program in 2007. The program has since expanded across the state of Texas. McKinney said the program is beneficial to rural counties.
Heather Post, regional director of managed care for CHRISTUS St. Michael said the federal match program helps to insure local hospitals and healthcare facilities remain viable. Another positive is they would employee the county indigent healthcare worker, cover the cost of software upgrades and additional expenses related to the indigent care program.
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