Daingerfield City Council denies beer, wine permit for local store

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By Ben Valencia
Steel Country Bee Editor
The Daingerfield City Council met Dec. 8, where they denied a variance for a permit for the sale of beer and wine from the request of Syed (Jimmy) Uddin for the Fast Track #15 store located at 1304 Linda Drive. 
The council denied the request due to the store's location being less than 300 feet from Daingerfield South Elementary. The business sits approximatley 276 feet from the school, according to measurements calculated by city officials. 
The distance requirement is stated in the City of Daingerfield's Ordinance No. 2013-03 which is based on state requirements. In Section 4, the ordinance states that it is unlawful for any dealer to sell alcoholic beverages from or at a place of business within the city within 300 feet of a church and public or private school.
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