Despite TEA rating, school on the right track

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By Ben Valencia
Steel Country Bee Editor
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) recently released the 2013-2014 School Report Cards (SRC) for schools in Texas.
One local campus didn't fair well, receiving an improvement required rating from TEA. 
Daingerfield's South and West Elementary Schools received the improvement required rating, just two points shy from the targeted 33 in student progress.  
State accountability ratings are based on four performance indexes: Student Achievement, Student Progress, Closing Performance Gaps and Postsecondary Readiness. The Student Progress Index on the TEA SRC, is scored based on the progress students have made from one grade level to the next in yearly state testing, also known as the STAAR Test. 
Despite the improvement required rating, Craig Toney, principal of South Elementary in Daingerfield, says that the school began taking steps to monitor student's progress before the TEA School Report Cards were released. 
According to Toney, the school uses software by Renaissance Learning, that allows the campus to track student progress and monitor just what area they may need help in. 


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