Local road projects near completion

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By Bobby Horn Jr.
Texas Department of Transportation officials say that if Mother Nature cooperates a pair of road projects in Morris and Cass County should be completed by mid to late Spring.
A spokesperson for Tx- DOT’s Atlanta District, said they expect to complete repairs to U.S. Highway 259 by March. Began in April 2013, the state designated 7.486 miles for repairs. The construction company RK Hall LLC, is conducting the repairs along US Hwy. 259 from Hwy. 67 to .4 miles south of IH 30.
As of Jan. 12, the project is 80 percent complete. TxDOT said that weather has been a major factor in the project running behind schedule. The project specifications called for 360 project days and while  the project is 80 percent complete, crews have consumed 90.21 percent of the allotted time.
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