Daingerfield Chamber elects new officers

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DAINGERFIELD—Rocky Thomasson has been reelected president of the Daingerfield Chamber of Commerce for 2015.
The chamber’s board of directors met Jan. 12 to elect officers and discuss plans for the upcoming awards banquet. Courtney Harris, who serves as director on the board, made a motion that the 2014 officers be reelected for 2015. The motion, which Keitha Nilsson seconded, passed unanimously. 
Nilsson will continue to serve as vice president, while Cresta Le-Fevre will serve another term as secretary/ treasurer. Directors, who were elected last month by the chamber’s membership last month, are Tracey Climer, Shane Pennington, Tolita Teddleton, Becky Brezeale, Keres Fite, Janice Bryant and Penni Connor.
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