Math team brings home a victory

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By Marie Bankard
Steel Country Bee
The Daingerfield-Lone Star Junior High Math Team brought home the second place victory team trophy from the Pine Tree Math-Science Meet which was held Jan. 17. The Division II sweepstakes winner was Queen City ISD, coming in first; Daingerfield-Lone Star ISD came in second; Atlanta ISD, came in third; Spring Hill ISD, came in fourth; and Ore City ISD, came in fifth. The top 10 ranking students in Number Sense were eighth grade students Zach Gilmore, placing sixth, and Justin Bailey placing eighth. Seventh grade students were Justice Dorman placing second, Victor Gonzalez placing third, and Jamie Nix placing eighth. Sixth grade students were Natalie Beasley placing fifth, Laura Carter placing seventh and Ebony Chalk placing ninth. Fifth grade student, Haley Lewis, placed sixth.
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