Texas Registration and Inspection Stickers are Partnering Up in Morris County

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From Staff Reports
Morris County is gearing up for a new Texas Two Step. Beginning March 1, 2015, the state will no longer issue vehicle inspection stickers and will move to a “Two Steps, One Sticker” program. Under the new system, Texas vehicle owners will need to pass inspection prior to renewing their registration. The familiar blue-bordered Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) registration sticker will serve as proof of both inspection and registration.  “Morris County is prepared to make this transition as smooth as possible for our residents,” said Morris County Tax Assessor- Collector, Kim Thomasson. “During the first year of the program beginning March 1, 2015, all you will need to do is make sure you already have a valid passing vehicle inspection before you renew your registration in our office, online or by mail.” When vehicle owners renew their registration, the system will automatically verify whether the vehicle has a valid inspection.
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