Texas Elementary students invited to submit litter prevention art

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Keep Texas Beautiful and Don’t mess with Texas® Put Students’ Artistic Talent to the Test
Staff Report — Keep Texas Beautiful and Don’t mess with Texas are encouraging elementary school students from every corner of Texas to break out their crayons and paintbrushes in a crusade to keep Texas roadways clean and litter-free. The Don’t mess with Texas Elementary School Art Contest, sponsored by H-E-B and Central Market, are looking for the next winning artwork for the 2016 Don’t mess with Texas calendar. Students must submit their artwork no later than April 18, 2015. In addition to helping keep Texas clean, contest-winning elementary school students and their teachers can win prizes and statewide recognition. The contest is open to all Texas students enrolled in kindergarten through fifth grade, and students can submit artwork that promotes Don’t mess with Texas and/or Keep Texas Beautifulin order to encourage the protection of our Texas roadways and environment. The purpose of the contest is to encourage future leaders not to litter and to keep Texas beautiful.
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