Government is good at dictating rules but not following them

A Patriot's Opinion
By Jim Snyder
It has always amazed me how the “Ruling Class” (government officials, presidents, senators, congressmen, etc.) are very good at telling us what to do in the form of laws and rules, but rarely, if ever, do they have to comply by the same standards that they set for us to follow. They cast their laws of the kingdom down on us and expect us to be grateful. They really do act like royalty and treat us as their subjects to be controlled. So let’s look at a few examples.
They tell us how wonderful the public education system is and the Education Department dictates how we must do it. Yet all of the ruling class sends their kids to private school. Gee, I wonder why they don’t send their kids to school with ours. Hmmm.
The liberal powers that be (i.e. democrats) are always telling us how guns are bad and that we need to get rid of them in order to have a more peaceful society. But every one of them always seems to have an armed security detail to protect them. Hmmm.
We are mandated by the government that we must buy healthcare either from our employer or through them or face a penalty. And they brag about how great Obamacare is but yet none of them is required to be covered by it. It seems they have a better plan that we can’t participate in. Hmmm.
The Federal Trade Commission has laws that say we the citizens cannot engage in what is known as “Insider Trading,” in other words using advance information to profit from stock transactions. But somehow the ruling class (the president, Senators, and Congressmen) are exempt from those laws. Again, I say hmmm.
Does anyone see a pattern here? Just I as alluded to at the beginning of this column, the government really is nothing more than a bunch of aristocratic overlords who shower us with their rules and regulations but magically, they have no desire or requirement to follow them. I‘m guessing t h e y think they are better than us. No, let me rephrase that, they perceive in their own minds that they “are” better than us and they never want us to forget it.
We have government backed banks that we are told are too big to fail. We have government backed car companies that we are told are too big to fail. And we have politicians who can break the law at will because they believe they are “too big to go to jail” (i.e. Hillary).
So I guess we just need to sit down and shut up and wait for the government to send us our tax refund check. Oh which by the way is another wonderful government program from the IRS where they get to keep your money for a year and give it back to you at Zero interest. What a deal, huh? But if we have some of their tax money that we have to pay back and we keep it for a month past April 15 they charge us interest. Golly Gee, it just keeps gettin’ better don’t it?
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