Karate school welcomes newest Black Belt

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 By: Toni Walker



They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Kori Hellison, a member of the Killyon School of Isshin Ryu, took the next step in her martial arts journey on Saturday, June 25, when she overcame grueling heat, mental testing, and physical exhaustion to earn her Black Belt.

Hellison has trained under Sensei Paula Killyon in the Killyon School of Isshin Ryu for several years. Hellison was one of two students who received their brown belts in 2015, but was the only who stuck with it to test for her Black Belt.

Killyon, who had been out for two months due to illness, gave her most seasoned Black Belt, Ronnie Hicks, charge over Hellison’s test. During Killyon’s absence, “Mr. Pops,” as he is known in the dojo, stepped up and continued Hellison’s training towards the Black Belt ranking.

During the three-hour test, Hellison performed all the forms, or Katas, in Isshin Ryu for a panel of five Black Belts. She also went through a grueling question and answer session, in which the Black Belts in attendance asked questions regarding her training, her journey in Martial Arts, and her plans for after receiving her black belt.

The test was not only mental in nature. Hellison competed in numerous sparring matches, broke boards using different techniques, and had her concentration tested in one final kata.

At the end of the day, according to the decision of the Black Belt panel, Hellison proved she had what it takes to become “one of them,” earning the rank of Black Belt, and thus continuing her journey forward in Martial Arts.

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