Bullying has got to stop

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From My Perspective

By Toni Walker



October seems to be the month to schedule any type of awareness campaign. There is Breast Cancer Awareness, Substance Abuse Awareness Month, and Bullying Awareness Month, all observed in October.

I have many friends who have fought the battle against breast cancer, as well as many other cancers. That is a subject near and dear to my heart, because of the people I know who have been touched by this disease. I work closely with a Coalition who is working to reduce drug and alcohol use by minors in Morris County. Both of the causes mean a lot to me. But since my children have all gotten to school age, and especially since my son has gotten into junior high, bullying prevention has really become a big deal to me.

Kids can be cruel. Anything from “four-eyes,” to “nerd,” kids use the most hateful words to hurt whoever they can. Bullying, however, has gotten out of hand the last few years, as reports of children being bullied by their peers seems to hit the news on a weekly, if not daily basis. Children who are being told, by their peers, that everyone would be happier if they were dead, or that they don’t deserve to be alive are heartbreaking. And with the rise of social media, the bullies have found a new avenue to torment their victims.

I can remember one day a couple of years back when my son asked for money to take to school one day. I knew he did not need it for lunch, so I asked why he needed the money. He told me that if he did not bring it, one of the other boys would beat him up. We explained to my son that he would not be taking money for another student, and my husband brought the situation to the attention of the principal, who took care of it. My saddest part of this story: my son called this child his friend. Unfortunately, many children who are searching for a true friend end up seeing those bullies as their friend, because, hey, let’s face it…they are at least getting some attention from them, if nowhere else.

I have learned as I have gotten older, however, that bullying does not just exist in schools. There are people of all ages who will coerce someone else into doing things, simply because they can. Adult bullying, like that done by children, comes in various shapes and forms. It can be in name-calling, and can even include threats to business, property, or even life. People who look, act, think, or believe differently are being coerced into situations they do not agree with by those who feel they have power over them.

During the course of the presidential election, I have seen many cases of adult bullying. Both sides are doing whatever they can to force the other side's supporters to turn. Now, I am not going to say how you should vote. I feel each and every voter has a voice that must be heard, and that we can only vote whom we, as individuals, feel is the best candidate. So I say this: form your own opinion, make your decision, and stick with it. Do not be coerced into changing your mind to save face with a coworker or family member. How else will we be able to teach our children not only to stand up to bullies, but that bullying is wrong?

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