The two party system is destroying America
A Patriot's Opinion
By Jim Snyder
I know many of you have heard the saying that America was built on the two party system of government. While that may be true that same two party system is doing more damage than ever and is actually tearing the country apart. I’m sure everyone would agree that this year’s election is probably the nastiest in over 100 years. I have seen people unfriended and blocked on Facebook over the politics of this election. I have seen people lose friends and have seen family members at each other’s throats over this mess. Why? Is it because we don’t like one another? No it’s because of a disease we like to call politics, specifically democrats and republicans. The constant bickering and fighting that goes on is crazy. And for what? 99% of the politicians in these two parties care little or nothing about the average person.
Many years ago politicians were called “representatives”. That was due to the fact that they actually represented the people who voted them into office. When was the last time one of these so called public servants actually represented anything except their own personal agendas. It’s not about the people anymore, it’s all about money and power.
Many of the men and women in the United States congress and senate are millionaires. The large majority of them were not millionaires when they got there. But they have become millionaires from being in government. And many of these politicians have been in office for decades. There are many of them that have been there for 35 to 40 years. Why? Because they can, that’s why. These lifers have entrenched themselves in these government positions not to serve you and me. No, they are there because we don’t have the guts to put them out to pasture where they belong. That’s the most frustrating thing about the system.
We actually have the power to stop these people from acquiring these life styles of the rich and famous. Many of these politicians have no clue how the other half lives. Oh they always tell you during election season that they are there for the little guy but they have no clue. Many of these people are driven around in limousines with you and I paying for the gas.
The two party system has done little to solve anything. The majority of the time many good ideas that could save billions of dollars are swept under the rug because they were introduced by the “other party”. They care nothing about the content of the legislation they pass. It’s all about w h o s e money they can steal to fund their pet projects in their home states. It’s not about we the people anymore, it’s about these politicians’ personal agendas. They represent no one but their own selfish wants and needs. For many years the idea of a third party has surfaced. Many third party candidates have had some great ideas but they are never given a chance to be elected or serve. Republican and Democrat politicians have the system so corrupt that they make it virtually impossible for a third party candidate to gain enough support to be elected. The “Establishment” as they are referred to want to keep the game rigged just the way they have it.
America as we know it is being destroyed by the same system that built it. I am sure the founding fathers are spinning in their graves to see what has become of the country they started. All thanks to politicians that discovered they could vote themselves raises and perks at the expense of the people that put them there. I’m sick of watching this circus we have in Washington. But the clowns control the game now thanks to our unwillingness to stop it.
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