Commissioners meet, discuss JP opening

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The Morris County Commissioners Court met in a special meeting on Dec. 30 in order to finalize a few items before the end of the year.

One item on their agenda was to review applications, discuss, and possibly approve a replacement for retiring Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace, Betty Johnson. Johnson had submitted her resignation at the Dec. 12 regular meet ing of the court, effective Dec. 31. The court received two applications to fill Johnson’s unexpired term, which still has two years left. There was discussion on whether or not Johnson resigned or retired, which would affect whether or not the County could ask her to work as needed until a replacement was found.

Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace Jennifer Easley was in attendance, and was asked by Commissioner Weldon Lilley if it would put undue burden on her if no one was appointed immediately. Easley replied, “I could handle it either way. But if you have someone, let’s move forward.” Easley, along with District Attorney Steve Cowan, stated that there were training sessions upcoming that were instrumental in teaching an incoming Justice skills and other needed information.

County Judge Lynda Munkres, after discussion, made a recommendation to appoint one of the two applicants, and was seconded by Commissioner of Precinct 1, Dennis Allen. Commissioners Michael Clair, Weldon Lilley, and Todd Freeman all felt that any applicant should be present and give the court an opportunity to ask questions. The motion failed, three to two.

In other business, the Court was asked to discuss and approve a server to be used in the sheriff ’s department to operate their new CAD system. The new system, which is used in the dispatch of officers, needed a server, and it was found that the department needs more space to store and protect their documents. It was for these reasons the Commissioner Michael Clair made a motion to approve the larger of the two suggested servers, at a cost of $6,443, with the funds coming out of the sheriff ’s department budget if possible. Todd Freeman seconded the motion, which was passed unanimously.

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