We have to remember something…

Edgar's picture

I have been pondering this for a while, and I think that now is a good time to bring it up, since football season is over.

Frankly, I am appalled by the actions of some adults at local football games. Yep, I went there. When I was young, one of the first things I was taught was that you never “Boo” anybody- not the coaches, not the officials, and definitely not the kids playing football. I have seen this happen in all levels from little league football all the way to the varsity level. I have sat in the stands when things didn’t go the way the fans thought they should, and was honestly ashamed of what I heard.

“Booing” a coach because of his play calls is not even the worst of what I have heard. I have spent a lot of time on the sidelines taking photos, and believe me, they can hear you. When you start putting down a coach because you disagree, or because he was not the one you had hoped would get the position, it is heard. Many times, from up in the stands, it is hard to understand that a coaches’ call is not always the problem. Many times, it is simply the fact that the opposing team was lucky enough to have the perfect play called to combat it. If you can explain to me how that is your coaches fault, maybe you should be on the sideline with the headset. Calling for him to lose his job after a loss is at the very least judgmental and at times borderline cruel. Do you forget that his wife and children are in the stands beside you? What if someone spoke of you that way in front of your family?


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