A Patriot’s Opinion

Edgar's picture

Contributing Columnist

For the past year the term “Deep State” has been used almost on a daily basis. While many know what that refers to there are many who are not sure just what that means. So let’s dive in head first.

The term Deep State refers to a deeply ingrained group of governmental personnel, agencies, or military believed to be involved in the manipulation or control of government policy. Many of these Deep State actors are current congressmen and senators. But many are former presidents, congressmen, and senators, or retired government employees. And they come from both sides of the political aisle. Yes there are just about as many republicans as there are democrats involved in the Deep State conspiracy. Now some would say, why would republicans be involved in opposing the Trump agenda? Well the answer is very simple. For the past 40 years or so, politicians from both sides have purposely set up the system to their advantage. In other words its rigged to benefit their fund raising coffers and their political agendas.


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