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Daingerfield Junior High students qualify for State Math meet


At the Spring Hill State Qualifying meet held on Saturday, Feb. 24, one more member of the Daingerfield Junior High math-science team qualified to compete at the state meet. DJH now has 10 students qualified to compete in 20 events at the State Meet with one more qualifying meet.

The students that have qualified for the state meet:

Eighth grade: Sanaa Fields—Number Sense and Calculator, Haley Lewis—Number Sense and Calculator, Jazmin Mendez—Number Sense and Calculator, Jaci Simmons-- Calculator

Seventh grade: Kylah Haley—Number Sense and Calculator, Corey Miller—Number Sense and Calculator, Harley Scholl—Calculator



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What is Valentine’s Day for?

Isabella Rangel
“A day that love people.”

Alley Darden
“About hearts.”

Riley Maness
“Give cards and candy.”

Tysean Spraglin
“Love and celebrating love.”

Adela Sanchez
“Presents for people you love.”

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Boards adopts resolution on small school penalty

By Toni Walker
DAINGERFIELD – In an effort to encourage lawmakers to make changes regarding small school penalties, the Daingerfield-Lone Star ISD Board of Trustees have signed a resolution asking for changes.
Since the 1970s, legislation has been in place to adjust high costs of small classes in schools with less than 1600 in attendance. At the time, however, many legislators felt “small schools were small by choice and should be penalized,” according to the resolution.
Currently, the penalty against small or rural school districts affects those districts with less than 1600 students in attendance and less than 300 square miles within their district.

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Daingerfield FFA attends convention

CORPUS CHRISTI – During the week of July 10-14, the Daingerfield FFA Chapter Officer team attended the State FFA Convention in Corpus Christi. The 89th annual Texas FFA Convention recorded approximately 12,000 members and guests. Members of the state’s largest agricultural youth leadership organization spent the week attending leadership workshops, participating in events and activities, being recognized for their achievements, and serving as the legislative body for the Texas FFA Association. The Texas FFA is the nation’s largest state FFA association with a membership of more than 119,000. FFA gives students the opportunity to apply practical classroom knowledge to real world experiences through local, state and national competitions. For more information about the Texas FFA, visit

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Tex and Dot teach vehicle safety

Irene Webster, left, is joined by puppets Tex and Dot while teaching children the importance of using the correct car seat at the Daingerfield Public Library’s summer program on July 21. The puppet show was sponsored by the Texas Department of Transportation and focused on child vehicle and road safety.

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Trailblazer Experience offers hands on science for youngsters

By Toni Walker
HUGHES SPRINGS – Students from around the area had the opportunity to learn different aspects of science with hands on experiences, thanks to the Tocker Foundation and the Hughes Springs Area Public Library.
The Trailblazer Experience, which is operated by the Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering (TAME), was set up at the library on July 11. The experience comes inside a large trailer, which is decked out with a variety of hands-on science experiments. The Trailblazer Experience travels all around the state, setting up at schools. The Tocker Foundation has provided the opportunity for 40 rural libraries to host the experience over a two-month span this summer, including the recent stop in Hughes Springs.

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Coalition reviews year, upcoming plans for 2018

DAINGERFIELD -- As it did during the school year, the Northeast Texas Coalition Against Substance Abuse met June 7. NETCASA Director Rebecca Smith began by sharing information from the recently completed Community Needs Assessment, which typically tells the coalition the most pressing issues for their region or area. According to the assessment, the five counties served directly by NETCASA (Bowie, Morris, Cass, Franklin, and Titus) all showed a higher percentage of people in poverty situations than the state as a whole. The five counties also higher violent crime rates than the state. Morris County has a higher drug and alcohol arrest rates than the state, according to the assessment. According to the data presented, current alcohol usage among area high school students has dropped since the coalition began working with the schools in 2015. Smith also informed the group that funds have been provided by the state for prevention, specifically for opioid abuse prevention.

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Daingerfield HS grad wins FFA scholarship

DAINGERFIELD – Caitlin Cox, who recently graduated from Daingerfield High School, won a FFA scholarship sponsored by Domino’s Pizza. She will attend Tarleton State University in the fall to study agricultural communications. Cox graduated with honors and was ranked fifth in her graduating class. She joined FFA as a junior member in 2011 and has held leadership positions in her chapter for the past three years, most recent as chapter president. Cox has shown market pigs for four years and market rabbits for two. Additionally, she travels to major shows with her Santa Gertrudis show heifer.


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D-LSISD recognizes retiring employees

DAINGERFIELD – As students began their summer break on May 26, teachers, administrators, and staff of the Daingerfield-Lone Star Independent School District gathered to recognize those who are retiring from the district.
During their annual teacher assembly, the district recognized Dwanna Cummings, Jane Hall, Linda Rhymes, Jeanecia Royal and Beth Terry -- who are all retiring.
They were also recognized for the number of years they have spent in the district.
Rhymes served the district for 38 years, Royal spent 36 years in the district, while Cummings was recognized for 35 years with the district.
Terry has spent 23 years and Daingerfield, while Hall has served the district for nine years.
In addition to honoring the retirees, the district also presented service awards to teachers and staff for their years of service.

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School board files protest against alcohol variance

DAINGERFIELD – The board met April
17, at which time Superintendent Sandra
Quarles informed the board the school district
had filed a protest with the Texas Alcoholic
Beverage Commission (TABC).
According to Quarles, she received a letter
from the TABC stating a variance had been
granted for the gas station across from South
A potential store owner had approached
the Daingerfield City Council asking for a
variance to the city’s distance requirements
in order to sell beer and wine at the location,
which falls inside the required distance from
schools. After the City Council approved the
variance, application was made for a license
to sell beer and wine for off-premise consumption
to TABC, who informed Quarles
in writing.

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