Morris County


Warrants for 10 Most Wanted issued in Morris County

The Morris County Sheriff ’s office is currently holding warrants for the following 10 Most Wanted Defenders. Lopez, Carlos Marin: Fail to Appear/ Poss Marij Lopez, Miguel Guereca: Motion to Revoke/ Money Laundering Whitmore, Vernes Nell: Bond Forfeiture/Secure Execution Doc Deception Zamora, Ramon: Fail to Appear/Poss Marij Trevino, Augustine Ribera: Motion to Revoke/Poss Marij Thomas, Evelyn Morningstar: Motion to Revoke/Poss CS Rowe, Coy Calloway: Fail to Appear/ Motion to Revoke/Theft Material; Bail Jumping and Fail to Appear Pantoja, Mauricio Pacheco: Fraud Use/Poss Identifying Info N o v e l l a - T o r r e s , Alejandro: Motion to Revoke/Poss CS PG Noriega-Ramirez, Jose Maria: Motion to Revoke/Poss CS PG

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