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Lone Star water shows violation of follow-up routine

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has sent its annual report to the City of Lone Star. Their report stated no violations were found in drinking water sources.

The report generated by TCEQ stated that all levels were within acceptable ranges from the source water samples. Lone Star is a part of the Northeast Texas Municipal Water District, and Lake of the Pines is one of the main sources for Lone Star Water. Although the results showed that the source is susceptible to certain contaminants, none were at violation level.

Water in the city of Lone Star did, however, have a violation in the follow-up routine that should have been followed after violations in previous years.

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DPS urges Texans to exercise caution in extreme summer heat

 The Texas Department of Public Safety is warning Texas residents to be prepared for hotter than normal temperatures and to take precautions to stay safe as temperatures and heat indices may hit 100 degrees and above in many parts of the state. Extreme temperatures increase the risk of heatrelated injuries or deaths.

“Although hot conditions are expected during Texas summers, we want to remind Texans that high temperatures can be deadly and should not be taken lightly,“ said DPS Director Steven McCraw. “In many cases heat-related deaths and injuries are preventable, and DPS urges residents to take the necessary steps to protect themselves and others against extreme temperatures - whether they plan to be outside or indoors.”

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Park Ranger stresses water safety, introduces children to many varieties of park wildlife

Toni Walker


As the summer rolls on, so do the events sponsored by the Daingerfield Public Library. This past week, children met Ranger Onlie McGee, from the Daingerfield State Park, and learned about many animals that can be found at the state park.

McGee began the presentation by inviting the children to enter the “Get to Know” contest which is being sponsored by the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife. She then explainedto the children the importance of staying safe while at the state park by demonstrating the proper use of flotation devices. McGee showed them how a flotation device works, and explained that if they did not have the proper size, or if it wasn’t used properly, it would not protect them as it should.

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Throwback Thursday

D’field-LS golfers take NTCC Golf Classic

This photo of six Daingerfield-Lone Star men who won the 1989 NTCC Golf Classic was published in the July 5, 1989 Bee. Members included, from left, Bobby Strickland, Mitch Cox, Jeff Craig, B.J. Templeton, Miguel Larsen, and Mike Alcorn.


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Recognizing 25 years of service

Pruitt Missionary Baptist Church recognized 25 years of faithful service by Bro. Ervin and Shirley Gould with a luncheon, held on June 26.

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Wild animals take over library

By: J. Leslie Riseden

Special Contributor to The Steel Country Bee

Well, not so wild, really, but they certainly did take over. Diane Condarco of Rancho Condarco brought her Petting Zoo to the Hughes Springs Area Library July 7, as part of the library’s summer program.

Children took turns entering the gates to pet the adorable assortment of goats, chickens, ducks, bunnies, and potbellied pigs. Some kids sat quietly and held soft bunnies in their laps, some tried to quack like the ducks, and still others enjoyed running around the pen trying to corral the pigs and goats.

The hot Texas sun didn’t discourage over 80 children who waited patiently to have a chance to pet the animals. All the animals were in the shade, kept cool with fans, plenty of water, and even ice packs. “They ride here in air-conditioning, and they ride home in air-conditioning,” said Ms. Condarco. “We do this a lot, and we make sure the animals stay cool while we’re outside.”

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Little Pine D.O.G.s offers fellowship, fun, and food

Visit the Daingerfield State Park the first Saturday of any month, and you will find a group gathered, patiently waiting and watching coal-covered pots cooking over open pits.

No, you have not been transported back to the days of the old west, when open fire cooking was their only choice. You have stumbled upon a meeting of the Little Pine Dutch Oven Gatherings, or Little Pine D.O.G.s. Little Pine D.O.G.s is the name of the Dutch Oven Gatherings group that meets at Daingerfield State Park.

The Dutch oven is believed to date back to the early 1700s in Holland. How and when it came to the United States is unknown, but supposedly Paul Revere created the flanged lid and the final design of the oven. As Americans moved west and expanded into the new world, the Dutch oven became a valuable commodity, being a popular trade item with mountain men and Native Americans.

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Hughes Springs police seeking information

Hughes Springs Police Chief Randy Kennedy is asking for the communitiy's help on two on-going cases.

Edward James Chism is wanted for evading arrest following a traffic stop by Sergeant Jay Cates. Chism exited the vehicle and ran. While in hiding, according to Chief Kennedy, Chism has committed burglary and other crimes in multiple law enforcement jurisdictions.

Kennedy is also seeking information with regard to an attempted arson which took place in the early morning hours of July 1. The alleged actors entered a vacant home located at 115 South Newby Street in Hughes Springs. Once inside, the actors set fire to a bedroom, causing floor and smoke damage to the structure.

Anyone with information on either of the cases is urged to contact the Hughes Springs Police Department at 903-639- 2621 with their information.

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Local law enforcement reacts to Dallas shootings

As news of the sniper-style shootings of police officers in Dallas floods the media, local law enforcement agencies are taking this time to pay their respects, and prepare themselves, in case a similar situation were to happen locally.

Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Director Steven McCraw issued this statement with regard to the shooting:

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Summer time offers no break from underage drinking prevention

By Rebecca Smith

Northeast Texas Coalition Against Substance Abuse

Students and their parents often look forward to summer break all year round. Family vacations, cookouts, pool parties, and blockbuster movies are just a few of the activities families traditionally enjoy together.

These are also great opportunities for parents to talk to their children about underage drinking.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends starting the conversation as early as 9 years old, but it’s never too late to start.

“Underage drinking peaks in the United States in June and July. Every day in July, an average 11,600 young people take their first drink,” according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). For other months, the average is between 5,000 and 9,000 new users per day.


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