The Daingerfield
Chamber of Commerce
elected officers for the
upcoming year at their first
2016 meeting. They also
set the date for the upcoming
Chamber awards banquet.
After approving the minutes
and financial statement
from the December
meeting, Board President
Rocky announced the
results of the director elections.
Serving one year
terms on the Board of
Directors will be Penni
Connor, Courtney Harris,
Tracey Climer, Keitha
Nilsson, and Rocky
Thomasson. Tolita
Teddleton will serve a one
year term on the board of
diretors. Then, the board
held elections for 2016 officers.
Officers will remain
the same as the previous
year, with Thomasson
being re-elected as
Chamber president.
Nilsson will remain as
vice-president, and Cresta
LeFevre will be returning
as secretary/treasurer.