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Capital Highlights


AUSTIN — Gov. Greg Abbott and the governors of California, Puerto Rico and Florida on Jan. 24 asked U.S. House and Senate leaders to hurry up and pass supplemental disaster funding, and to send the legislation to President Trump.

“Over the past several months, we have received numerous assurances that adequate disaster funding was imminent,” the governors wrote in a joint letter. “Its continued delay only exacerbates ongoing uncertainty in devastated areas. Simply put, the communities devastated by these storms cannot be completely put back together until the federal government makes good on its promise to our citizens. If ever there was a time and role for the federal government to urgently help its citizens rebuild communities damaged by epochal disasters, now is the time to step up and fill that role.”


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Do you understand Islam?


One of my best friends once explained to me how Islam was being distorted by radicals. I was at first interested in where he got his information, before I told him the truth. He had be given his information by a practicing Muslim. I then informed him his information was wrong, and here is why.

The first attack on the twin towers was in 1993, by a group of Muslims led by an Iman called the Blind Sheik, Omar Abdel Rahman. They placed a rented truck in the basement parking garage of the north tower loaded with explosives and set it off. The plan was to weaken the foundation of the north tower so it would fall into the south tower. It failed.


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Hurricane recovery efforts continue with much still to do


AUSTIN — Gov. Greg Abbott on Jan. 17 extended for 30 days the state disaster declaration for counties affected by Hurricane Harvey, which pounded and flooded the Gulf Coast and moved deeply inland, spreading its destructive power.

“As long as Texas families are fighting to recover, they can rest assured that the State of Texas is fighting with them,” Abbott said. The 60 counties listed in the declaration will continue to be eligible for assistance as they recover and rebuild, the governor said.

Abbott, who remains in regular contact with congressional leaders and the Trump administration, said he has continued to request funds to rebuild Texas. On Jan. 19, Abbott said he shared Hurricane Harvey survivors’ aggravation over that fact that much-needed continuing federal disaster aid for Texas is bogged down in Washington politics.


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Lessons from a bird’s nest


When we moved into our home in March of last year, it didn’t take long for me to realize that our big Magnolia tree housed a blue jay nest. Recently I was listening to the radio and they were talking about birds, or, more specifically, bird’s nests. That got me thinking back about that blue jay nest, and wondering what could we possibly learn from a bird’s nest.

Ever notice the size of a bird’s nest? They really aren’t that big. I mean I understand a nest’s size would be relative to the bird who built it, but it seems all nests have one thing in common when it comes to size: they are just big enough. As an egg hatches and a young bird begins to grow, the nest gets, of course, smaller. They do not move to a bigger nest as they grow. As their nest gets smaller, the young bird is growing and learning, preparing to “fledge,” or leave the nest. When they outgrow the nest, it’s time to leave.

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DPS acts to prevent violent confrontations at capitol


AUSTIN — Enhanced security measures have been implemented at the state capitol complex and grounds, the Texas Department of Public Safety announced Jan. 11.

According to the DPS announcement, “It has been observed that some individuals or groups seek violent confrontations during protests and equip themselves for physical combat. To ensure the safety and security of the general public and those who seek to exercise their right to peacefully assemble and protest, effective immediately, certain items may be prohibited from the capitol grounds unless worn or carried by a licensed peace officer.”

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Be prepared


Most folks in the Camp County/Pittsburg area know where I stand when it comes to guns and gun control. For those who don’t know, I’m a Life and Endowment member of the National Rifle Association (NRA), an NRA Pistol and NRA Firearms Safety in the Home instructor, a NRA Range Safety Officer, an advanced combat pistol instructor and a state certified Texas License to Carry instructor. So that’s put me in the group the “so called” main stream media call gun nuts.

I remember being told by a fellow in Virginia that he could never think of any reason to even own a gun. A year or so later, after he was robbed and beaten, he bought a gun and got his Va. concealed carry permit (CCP). I was team teaching the NRA basic pistol class with a group of other NRA instructors. This course was the only course a person had to take to get their Va. CCP. He was surprised to see me there and explained to me later what had happened to him.

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FEMA clears way for public assistance to churches that aid in disasters


AUSTIN — Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Jan. 3 announced the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s approval of their request to allow churches and religious organizations to receive the same public assistance available to other nonprofits aiding in Hurricane Harvey relief efforts.

FEMA’s Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide previously offered assistance to private non-profit organizations, including zoos, performing arts centers and museums, and excluded facilities established or primarily used for religious activities. The revised policy is in force for any major disaster declared on or after Aug. 23, 2017.

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Living on the edge


I consider myself a music lover. I love many different styles of music, and there is always a song or two that seems to hit me where I am at. I have “favorite” songs and artists in everything from country to classic rock and pop. I have even been known to mix in a few instrumental pieces from time to time.

If someone looked at my playlists, they might be a little shocked. They would find everything from Reba McEntire and Carrie Underwood to Pentatonix and Aerosmith. Some days, I skip everything but the country music. Others, I want the harder stuff.


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Texas waits for Senate agreement on disaster aid funding


AUSTIN — Gov. Greg Abbott on Dec. 21 released a statement applauding the U.S. House of Representatives’ preliminary passage of $81 billion in disaster aid to Texas, several other states and Puerto Rico.

Abbott called the House’s 251-169 vote in favor of the aid package “a step in the right direction” but added that “more needs to be done to ensure the funds Congress provides address the critical needs Texans are enduring from the largest natural disaster in our state’s history. We look forward to working with the Senate to improve the disaster funding to ensure it addresses the acute needs of Texans.”


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This year, I resolve…


Oh, who am I kidding, it doesn’t matter what I “resolve” to do…it more than likely won’t last much past January! Why is it that we put so much stock in New Year’s resolutions, when the majority of them don’t really last? Aren’t there some easier resolutions we could do, ones that we can actually DO? I mean, it is really hard to get in the habit of eating right, exercising, stop smoking, and so many other things that people resolve to do. Well, here is MY list of resolutions, at least ones that I am going to try!

*I resolve to smile more.


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