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Capital Highlights

AUSTIN — Emergency relief operations expanded and intensified last week as floodwaters caused by Hurricane/ Tropical Storm Harvey-generated rains inundated and overwhelmed Harris County and dozens of other stricken counties.

While damage estimates continue to increase, at least 45,000 people have moved to public shelters, more than 100,000 homes have been destroyed and the death toll is rising.

On Aug. 25, President Donald Trump declared a major disaster exists in Texas. He ordered federal aid to supplement state and local recovery efforts in affected areas. Assistance may include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster.

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This is us

From My Perspective

There is a popular television show out right now titled This is Us. Basically, the show chronicles several families through life. It basically shows that we each fight our own battles, yet we all have battles.

Our country has become divided by people who want to say one group is better or worse than the other. We have begun to take away our history, simply because it defends a specific group. Those who are wishing to divide our country are doing so by making us believe that this is us as a country. They want us to believe that our country is defined by racism, negativity, and separation. I strongly disagree, and let me tell you why.

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Hurricane Harvey assaults coast, then batters inland counties


AUSTIN — Hurricane Harvey slammed the middle Texas coast on Aug. 25, hammering the region from Rockport to Palacios before continuing inland as a tropical storm and causing widespread catastrophic flooding.

With wind speeds in excess of 130 miles per hour before landfall at Rockport, the National Hurricane Center in Miami gave the storm a rating of Category 4. As rains and flooding worsened, Harvey was widely reportedly to be the strongest hurricane to hit Texas since Carla in 1961.

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Destroying our history is not the answer


The current obsession with destroying confederate monuments is troubling. And as expected, protests around the country have erupted into violence. The recent protest in Charlottesville, Virginia over the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee resulted in rioting and attacks that caused the death of one young lady and injuries to dozens more. To add insult to injury, the police were either told to stand down or ordered not to intervene. That was a mistake which caused more damage and more injuries to occur. So why, all of a sudden, are these monuments deemed offensive? Funny how no one even mentioned these statues during the last administration. But all of a sudden these Civil War monuments are the hot topic of discussion. Why?

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Find your why


Why? That is a question that people ask for a myriad of reason. Matter of fact, it is probably the first question we learn to ask.

Why is the sky blue? Why can’t I have a tiger for a pet? Silly questions that mean the world to a toddler who is exploring and learning, yet are pure silliness to the one being asked. And the “whys” do not quit as we get older. They only get deeper.

Why can’t I go to that party? Why can’t I go out with my friend? Why don’t you let me have this or that? The older they get, the harder their questions become.

Even as adults, we have times where we ask “Why.” Why did my marriage end? Why did I lose my job? Why did my parent have to get sick with cancer? Why do we have ask why, when we know we will never know the answer?

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Special session ends over impasse on property tax reform bill


AUSTIN — Gov. Greg Abbott gave legislators 20 mustpass items, but the lawmakers delivered only 12 bills to his desk during the first called session of the 85th Texas Legislature.

Both the House and Senate gaveled to final adjournment on Aug. 15, the 29th day of the 30-day session, after deadlines left negotiators without enough time to resolve differences in Senate Bill 1, the property tax reform bill. The House adjourned first, leaving the Senate to accept its substituted version of SB 1 or let it die. The Senate adjourned and the bill died.

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Is distracted driving worse than drunk driving?

By Jim Snyder

As many of you know Texas will soon have a Distracted Driving law on the books. I believe it will go into effect Sept.1. When I first heard about this law being debated I was curious as to just how big of a problem this was. Sadly, I found it to be worse than I thought.

For the past year I started watching other drivers wherever I went to see how often I saw someone using or looking at their phone while driving. Most times they were easy to spot. Whenever I noticed a vehicle swerving or drifting from lane to lane I immediately would pull up and go around them. Nine out of 10 times the driver was looking at or had the phone up to their ear or resting it on the steering wheel.

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Teen athletes unaware of affects of alcohol on performance


Most athletes wouldn’t consider doing anything that would compromise their abilities on the field. And with many teens practicing in the summer heat before school even starts, they will want every minute of practice to count.

Many teen athletes may not be aware of how drinking underage can hurt their athletic performance.

For example, alcohol affects sleep. When someone drinks alcohol, even six hours before going to sleep, they are disturbing their sleep cycle, according to studies from Princeton University.

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It’s what we do


As a writer, you are always looking for a story that will grab people, and make them think. As a community newspaper, we are charged with reporting the things that mean something to people in the community we serve, both good and bad.

Sometimes, we are given an opportunity pick up a story at it’s very beginning and follow it until it come full circle. Along the way we learn so much, not only about the subject of the story, but about ourselves a little, as well.

In the two and a half years I have been at The Steel Country Bee, I have already had a couple of those community stories that I have been able to follow from their beginning.

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House passes bills to give retired teachers relief from rising costs


AUSTIN – The Texas House on Aug. 1 approved House Bill 20, legislation appropriating $212.7 million from the “rainy day” reserve fund to help defray rising healthcare costs for retired school employees.

Primary authors of HB 20 include: Trent Ashby, R-Lufkin; Drew Darby, R-San Angelo; Gary VanDeaver, R-New Boston; John Zerwas, R-Katy; and Donna Howard, D-Austin.

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