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By Tim Gibbs
Minister of Daingerfield Church of Christ
The clouds rolled in without warning. Lightning flashed, thunder rumbled and the waves were engulfing the boat faster than they could bail. After doing all they could; when it seemed all hope was lost; when abandoning ship appeared to be the only solution, someone remembered the Master. Where was He? Had anyone seen Him lately? Had He been swept overboard? No, He was where they had left Him: Asleep below deck! After they scolded Him, He scolded them. Then, He rebuked the sea. As quickly as the storm appeared, it was gone. A simple, “Peace be still”, was all it took. The calm was eerie. The quiet was deafening. These seasoned sailors had never witnessed anything like it.
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Ratcliffe co-sponsors right-to-life bills

By Bobby Horn Jr.
Bee Staff Writer
WASHINGTON D.C.—Morris and Cass Counties have some new blood in Washington D.C. and that congressman is wasting no time in getting his name known around Capitol Hill.
John Ratcliffe, who was elected in 2014 to the 4th Congressional District, announced last week that he had co-sponsored two pieces of “Right To Life” legislation.
“This week I have cosponsored The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the House has moved to pass H.R. 7, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2015, legislation that support a culture that values every human life,” Ratcliffe said. “It is tragic that over 50 million Americans have had that right to life denied as a result of abortion – literally a lost generation.
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Texas Ends 2014 with Another Month of Job Growth Unemployment rate falls to 4.6 percent in December, lowest since May 2008

AUSTIN –Texas employers added jobs in impressive fashion in 2014 with the increase of 457,900 seasonally adjusted total nonfarm jobs over the year. December was the fifth straight month of record-breaking annual job growth for the Lone Star State. Over the month, the state gained 45,700 jobs, marking 51 straight months of employment growth. In addition, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell to 4.6 percent in December down from 4.9 percent in November, and down from 6.0 percent a year ago. This was the lowest Texas unemployment rate since May 2008. “Texas finished 2014 on a positive note adding 457,900 jobs over the year, its fifth straight month of record-setting annual job growth,” said Texas Workforce Commission  (TWC) Chairman Andres Alcantar. “Every major industry added jobs over the year, benefiting from a strong business climate and a growing, competitive and high quality Texas workforce.”
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Eltife retains B&C Committee chairmanship, prepares for budget battle

By Bobby Horn Jr.
Bee Staff Writer
AUSTIN-- Kevin Eltife, (R-1) the Texas State Senator for Daingerfield, Lone Star and Hughes Springs, will return as chairman of the Senate’s Committee on Business and Commerce. On Jan. 23 Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick released Senate committee assignments for the 84th Session of the Texas Legislature. This session covers the 2015-2016 calendar year, although unless a special session is called the 84th Session will end in May, 2015. Eltife was also appointed chairman of the Committee on Administration. He also held this post during the 83rd Legislative Session. He will also return as a member of the Senate Finance Committee, where he served with then-State Senator Dan Patrick. He said that he expects that passing a balanced state budget, improving the state’s transportation infrastructure and school finance are biggest issues facing legislators this session.
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Bestselling author Laura Schroff to speak at NTCC

The Northeast Texas Community College Foundation will host its annual Distinguished Lecture Series event on Thursday, Feb. 5 at 7 p.m. at the Whatley Center for the Performing Arts. This year’s lecture will be presented by New York Times bestselling author Laura Schroff.
Schroff was a featured speaker at Leadercast 2014 and was well-received by those who attended the simulcast at NTCC. She is a former advertising executive who has worked with several major media companies. In her distinguished lecture, Schroff will discuss the inspiring true autobiographical story behind her bestselling book, An Invisible Thread, which explores her unlikely friendship with a young homeless boy in New York City.
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Candidates sought for area elections

By Bobby Horn Jr.
Bee Staff
DAINGERFIELD—Just when you though the election season was over, it’s that time again as the next election day is now about three and a half months away. Beginning Jan. 28, filing opened for a spot on the ballot for area school boards and city councils. The last day to register for a spot on a ballot is Feb. 27. There are three places on the Daingerfield City Council that expire in May. Terms expiring this May are now held by Council Members Laura Mabey, Mike Carter and Bob Thorne. The positions are all at-large spots. Applications for a spot on the ballot can be obtained at the city hall, 108 Coffey in Daingerfield. 
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February is Spay/Neuter Awareness Month

The Humane Society of the United States has designated February to be Spay/ Neuter Awareness Month. World Spay Day, February 24, has been recognized in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, U. S. terrirories, and nearly 50 countries. World Spay Day raises awareness that spaying and neutering saves the lives of pets who might otherwise be put down in a shelter or killed on the street.
When pets are spayed or neutered, those animals will not add to the millions of already suffering animals by continuing to reproduce. An estimated 4,000,000 healthy and adoptable cats, dogs, kittens and puppies are euthanized in U.S. shelters annually - that’s almost 11,000 lives ended daily, 450 per hour and more than 7 lives lost each minute at shelters across the country that destroy animals to try and control pet overpopulation.
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Honors Northeast takes cultural trip

Honors Northeast students and faculty recently took their 14th regional culture trip, a tradition that dates back to 2008. Students toured the Perot Museum, the Dallas Museum of Art, and the Nieman Marcus Department store, stopping for snacks and meals at Starbucks, Jorge’s Tex Mex, and the Twisted Root Burger. Some students saw the Dallas Mavericks play the Denver Nuggets, and others went to the North Park Mall. The trip was free for all honors students. Professors Shirley Clay, Sarah Rainey, and Andrew Yox drove vans. The full group is pictured above.
To continue reading this article purchase the February 5th edition of The Steel Country Bee or go to our online e-edition at:
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Gentlemen, start your imaginations!

By Toni Walker
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Math team brings home a victory

By Marie Bankard
Steel Country Bee
The Daingerfield-Lone Star Junior High Math Team brought home the second place victory team trophy from the Pine Tree Math-Science Meet which was held Jan. 17. The Division II sweepstakes winner was Queen City ISD, coming in first; Daingerfield-Lone Star ISD came in second; Atlanta ISD, came in third; Spring Hill ISD, came in fourth; and Ore City ISD, came in fifth. The top 10 ranking students in Number Sense were eighth grade students Zach Gilmore, placing sixth, and Justin Bailey placing eighth. Seventh grade students were Justice Dorman placing second, Victor Gonzalez placing third, and Jamie Nix placing eighth. Sixth grade students were Natalie Beasley placing fifth, Laura Carter placing seventh and Ebony Chalk placing ninth. Fifth grade student, Haley Lewis, placed sixth.


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