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Paxton sends letters to cities that passed bag ban ordinances


AUSTIN — Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on July 2 notified 11 Texas cities that their ordinances against plastic shopping bags had been knocked down by the Texas Supreme Court.

Paxton said he issued letters to the cities of Austin, Sunset Valley, Port Aransas, Laguna Vista, Fort Stockton, Eagle Pass, Corpus Christi, Brownsville, Kermit, Freer and South Padre Island “to ensure awareness of  he recent ruling and waste management responsibilities Texas law places on municipalities.”


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I’ve been thinking…


I have recently spent a couple of weeks out of the office. I wish I could say that I went on some exotic cruise or some high-octane adventure, but honestly, I have simply been recovering from shoulder surgery. Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t just been sitting at the house, catching cabin fever and feeling sorry for myself. I spent some time in Arkansas with family, so I guess you could say I did do a little bit of traveling.

Through the downtime I have had, I have been thinking about the paper. I have written before how many people believe community news is dead or dying. I still do not believe this to be true. I believe that as long as  here are communities where things are happening and people who do their best to inform the community of what goes on, there will always be newspaper. When people ask me why the paper is not like it used to be, I begin to get a little frustrated.


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Rescue animals make the best companions


It saddens my heart every time I see and abandoned dog on the highway or someone’s Facebook post showing a lost doggie. Another alarming trend in recent years is the number of owners who simply surrender their dogs and cats to shelters simply because they don’t want them anymore. This breaks my heart to see so many dogs without loving homes. Why has so much of our society become so cold hearted?

Dogs are loving animals whose sole purpose in life is to bring joy to humans like us. Anyone who has experienced the love of a good dog will tell you there is no better feeling in the world. These creatures can do amazing things like lower our blood pressure and brighten our day when the whole world seems to be coming down around us.


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U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of Texas redistricting maps


AUSTIN — The United States Supreme Court voted 5-4 on June 25 to approve 10 of 11 disputed Texas House and congressional redistricting maps used in the state’s 2014 and 2016 elections.

The court ruled that only Texas House District 90 in Fort Worth was gerrymandered along racial lines and therefore must be redrawn.

Except for the case of HD-90, the high court reversed findings issued by a three-judge panel of a San Antonio U.S. District Court in two cases known as Abbott v. Perez. Plaintiffs argued that Texas legislators intentionally gerrymandered certain districts to dilute the voting power of Hispanics and blacks, and in doing so violated the federal Voting Rights Act.


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It’s all about time


“I’ve got plenty of time.” “I will be back next week.” “I can’t wait until…” “I will do that after I …” We all have told ourselves at least one of these phrases in our lifetimes. It seems innocent enough to believe that we will always have enough time, or to look forward to a time in the future, such as graduation, weddings, and more. Many times, we come to learn those phrases are nothing but lies, and usually, we learn this the hard way.


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Parents, children separated at border gain widespread attention


AUSTIN — Although border-crossing issues are largely federal matters, the Lone Star State has been a center of news reports about authorities separating children from their parents at detention centers along the Rio Grande.

President Trump on June 20 ordered a cease in the forced separation of family members who are in detention, but the fate of more than 2,000 minors who were taken away from their parents remained unresolved.


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Why the hatred for President Trump?

Contributing Columnist

The hatred towards Donald Trump is a baffling mystery. The mainstream news outlets and 99 percent of the Democratic Party seem to go out of their way to try and criticize everything he does or tries to do. The most puzzling part is trying to figure out why and what is their motive. If the man had been doing all kinds of crazy stuff, it might be understandable, but so far nearly everything he has done has benefitted the majority of Americans. So, why the constant, 24/7 barrage of negative stories and insults? Let’s take a look at some of the accomplishments that they find so terrible.

The Economy & Jobs: The economy is booming right now, just as Mr. Trump said it would if he was elected. GDP growth is at 3 to 4 percent, the stock market is still in record territory, and manufacturing is going like gang busters. What in the name of Sam Hill does the media and the Democratic Party find wrong with this picture?


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Senate panel conducts hearings on school violence, safety

Texas Press Association

AUSTIN — A panel of Texas Senate members on June 11 and 12 received input about ways to improve security on public school campuses.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who presides over the Senate, formed the legislative body’s Select Committee on Violence in Schools and School Safety following the May shooting at Santa Fe High School in which a student shot and killed 10 people and injured 10 others.

The Senate district of Committee Chair Larry Taylor, R-Friendswood, includes Santa Fe Independent School District. Taylor underlined the complexity of the problem, saying, “This is a multi-faceted deal. There is no one solution. A metal detector is not the end-all.”


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Daddy’s Hands


As Father’s Day approaches, it seems only fitting that I pay homage to some of the father’s in my life. The very fabric of who I am today is because of the men around whom I was raised. Two of the men who meant the most to me growing up have passed away within the last three years. This is my tribute to them.

There is a song by country singer Holly Dunn that is fitting for Father’s Day entitled “Daddy’s Hands.” It was also sort of a theme song for me and my dad. “Daddy’s hands were soft and kind when I was crying. Daddy’s hands were hard as steel when I’d done wrong.” That is definitely how it was at my house.


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Top officials join in briefing about hurricane preparedness

Texas Press Association

AUSTIN — Gov. Greg Abbott on June 6 joined President Donald Trump, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, FEMA Administrator Brock Long, White House cabinet members and governors from across the country for a video teleconference briefing on hurricane preparedness.

Along with Abbott in Austin were officials from various state agencies that oversee emergency response. The briefing was held to review lessons learned after the 2017 hurricane season. FEMA provided an overview of evacuation zones, clearance times, decision timelines, forecast uncertainty, responsible decision makers and public messaging.


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