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Who is Julian Assange, and why should we care?

A PAtriot's Opinion

By Jim Snyder

Many Americans may not even know who Julian Assange is or don’t really care. But for those of us that do care, Julian Assange is a hero of sorts.

Julian Assange is the founder of WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks is an international non-profit journalistic organization that publishes secret information, news leaks, and classified information from anonymous sources. Many high profile news stories have been generated by WikiLeaks release of these materials. Many of you may still be asking yourself “why should we care?” Well I will tell you why.

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Make your "dash" count!

From My Perspective

By Toni Walker


There is a lot to be said about this life we live. Many people would say that we were all born simply to pay taxes and die. I have a different perspective on that, and it has been forged from a lifetime of love, and of loss.

As a newspaper editor, I deal with obituaries on a weekly basis. I believe there has only been one or two weeks in my year and half at The Bee that we did not have any obituaries. I have also loved and lost my unfair share of loved ones, as well. From grandparents to parents, and from children to friends, I have been associated with many funerals. Two things that people always seem to focus on when discussing the death of someone is the date of birth, and the date of death.

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Respect for the American flag should be a no-brainer

A Patriot's Opinion

By Jim Snyder

Well unless you just flew in from Mars everyone has heard of the San Francisco 49ers quarterback who refused to stand for the National Anthem. For the few that may have missed it a few weeks ago during a preseason football game QB Colin Kaepernick decided he would stay seated during the playing of our National Anthem. Now while he has the freedom of speech to do so he apparently doesn’t have the common sense to remember why he has been afforded that freedom. This young man stated that he is tired of the oppression in this country. He said he is tired of police being allowed to just shoot people and get paid for it. These words are coming from a man that makes $19 million dollars a year throwing a football. So in case you haven’t figured it out yet I’m about to get up on top of my soapbox. So buckle up buttercups, ‘cause here it comes.

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Lunch is served

Boomer Musings

By Leslie Riseden

Early on a humid September morning, the aroma of lunch being cooked already hung in the heavy air. It might have been cabbage -- pungent and overcooked to a pale shade of gray. Or it could have been spinach -- poured from five gallon cans into stainless steel pots the size of washing machines, and boiled beyond recognition. On most Mondays, the main course was red beans and rice. Since one serving in ten might have a thimbleful of sausage in it, this qualified as meat, starch, and vegetable all in one dish. Fridays almost always meant fish sticks (more stick than fish) served with cold, limp French fries and a dollop of ketchup. Add a tablespoon of canned fruit cocktail and – voila – a balanced lunch.

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In case you were wondering, this is why I do what I do

A Patriot's Opinion

By Jim Snyder

Ever since I started this column almost two years ago I have had hundreds of compliments from readers. Most are just simple things like, “I really enjoy reading your articles” or “You talk about the things that we are thinking”. But every now and then I get one or two people who seem to have a problem with something I wrote. Most of the time its something like “why are you always bashing democrats” or they simply don’t agree with some fact or figure I posted. Well in honor of all of the people who compliment or complain, the following words are my response. In other words, This is why I do what I do.

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The Ethanol scam has finally been revealed

A Patriot's Opinion

By Jim Snyder

Well it took almost 10 years but we are finally seeing the Ethanol fuel scam being revealed right before our eyes. For many years many people including myself have argued against the mandatory blending of Ethanol into our gasoline supply. Continued complaints from consumers about poor fuel economy, more pollution, and damage to their engines have gone unanswered. Well, a report just released in August has finally shed some light as to why the EPA has never answered these questions. It seems the EPA has ignored the law that required them to study the effects of Ethanol every three years and report those findings to congress. So let’s take a look at the Ethanol mandate saga from the beginning.

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Who you?

From My Perspective

By Toni Walker


I love my job. I can honestly say that statement is true. It is not one that I ever thought I would have, but it is really becoming something I love. An added plus is that I really enjoy every aspect of what I do. From covering different events, to taking pictures, there really is not a portion of my job that I would prefer not to do.

One of the most interesting parts of what I do is the people that I have gotten to meet in the year and a half I have been the editor for The Steel Country Bee. Now, I have always been one who enjoyed meeting people, especially famous people, those with a story to tell. But, with my line of work, I have already had the opportunity to meet people I never would have dreamed possible in the past.

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Boomer Musings-Friends, family, and toilet paper

By J. Leslie Riseden

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Vote with facts and figures, not fiction and falsehoods

It is a no brainer that anyone who votes should be familiar with the facts and figures as they relate to any issue. But sadly, a large number of the population will just take what they are told as the truth. They don’t question it and they don’t take the time to research and find out if what they were told was true.

The truth is a sobering thing. A lot of people can’t handle the truth. Many times, they react to the truth with anger. Most times they have no real rational response and they simply retaliate with angry rhetoric. But the fact remains that the truth is the truth no matter how much we may disagree with it. Let’s look at a few classic examples.

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You've been chopped!

I love The Food Network. Just about any show, and I am hooked. There is something about watching others cook different foods that is, in a way, mesmerizing to me. One of my absolute favorite shows is Chopped. I am a very competitive person, and even though I can’t cook like those on Chopped can, I love watching the show, and choosing my favorites.

Ever since I discovered the wonderful invention known as Netflix, I have been able to feed my need for this awesome show. It doesn’t matter to me if it is the regular version, an episode with professional athletes, or shows with kids or teens, I love it. Funny how food, and even food shows, can offer lessons in life. It just depends on your perspective.


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