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The Orlando shooting: here we go again

A Patriot's Opinion

By Jim Snyder

On Sunday, June 12, at 2:00 a.m., a terrorist walked into an Orlando night club, killed 49 people and injured 53 others. The shooter was a Muslim. He was heard shouting “Allah Akbar” while shooting all of these people. His father is also a Muslim with ties to the Taliban. The shooter had posts on his social media accounts showing he followed Islamic websites. ISIS posted on their website within hours of the shooting that they supported this killer’s actions. Now with all of those facts present you would think this would be pretty easy to figure out who or what caused this.

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God Bless America

As we approach the Fourth of July, I am sure we all have a different reason the Fourth of July is important to us. We also each have a different reason we celebrate the Fourth of July. From my perspective, I think about what the day, and this country mean to me.

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Go to your room

Boomer Musings

By J. Leslie Riseden

“Go to your room.” That was the worst thing a kid could hear from her parents. “Go to your room.” Ugh. You’re in trouble now.

Why was that so terrible? I had to think about this for a while. It was my room, after all, where I lived with all my invaluable keepsakes ... yearbooks and fan magazines, post cards and polaroids. My ticket stub from the Beatles concert (Yes!) The swizzle stick from the Shirley Temple my dad ordered for me on my 13th birthday. My posters and pin-ups of Frankie, Fabian and Ricky (for post-boomers, that’s Nelson -- not Martin.) So, what was so terrible about being sent to my room?

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Government is good at dictating rules but not following them

A Patriot's Opinion

By Jim Snyder

It has always amazed me how the “Ruling Class” (government officials, presidents, senators, congressmen, etc.) are very good at telling us what to do in the form of laws and rules, but rarely, if ever, do they have to comply by the same standards that they set for us to follow. They cast their laws of the kingdom down on us and expect us to be grateful. They really do act like royalty and treat us as their subjects to be controlled. So let’s look at a few examples.

They tell us how wonderful the public education system is and the Education Department dictates how we must do it. Yet all of the ruling class sends their kids to private school. Gee, I wonder why they don’t send their kids to school with ours. Hmmm.

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Government is good at dictating rules but not following them

A Patriot's Opinion

By Jim Snyder

It has always amazed me how the “Ruling Class” (government officials, presidents, senators, congressmen, etc.) are very good at telling us what to do in the form of laws and rules, but rarely, if ever, do they have to comply by the same standards that they set for us to follow. They cast their laws of the kingdom down on us and expect us to be grateful. They really do act like royalty and treat us as their subjects to be controlled. So let’s look at a few examples.

They tell us how wonderful the public education system is and the Education Department dictates how we must do it. Yet all of the ruling class sends their kids to private school. Gee, I wonder why they don’t send their kids to school with ours. Hmmm.

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Happy Father's Day

By Toni Walker


Daddy. Pop. Father. Dad. Papaw. Poppa. These are all names we use for the paternal figures in our lives. These men made us, molded us, and ultimately taught us how to be whoever we have or will become. As Father’s Day approaches, it is important for us to take time to recognize all that these men do for us, and thank them.

Fathers have a unique position. They are a son’s first buddy, and a daughter’s first love. They have the arduous task of providing for their families, while teaching them that life is not just about work, but a balance of life and love.

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From the Publisher

Everyone has this one person in his or her life that has made a difference. Sometimes it’s a family member but sometimes it’s someone who just walks in your life unexpectedly.

When we first moved to Pittsburg, I had seen him at church and knew who he was, but the day he walked in to Garrett Furniture (where I worked at the time) to ask me if I was interested in coming to work for him at the local newspaper changed my life.

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Confessions of a teenage con artist

Boomer Musings

By J. Leslie Riseden


“Good evening. I have a person to- person collect call for Leslie, from Jan. Will you accept the charges?”

“No, I’m sorry, Operator. Leslie isn’t here.” (Muffled giggle.)

“Alright, ma’am. Thank you. Good-bye.”

“You’re welcome. Good-bye.” (Another muffled giggle.)

Now, for our post-boomer readers, a quick primer on old-timey long distance telephone service:

Long-distance calls had to be placed through a long-distance operator. The Bell Telephone Company was the only telephone company in the country, and they had many offices with dozens of operators sitting at long rows of switchboards. (Think Ernestine. If you don’t know who Ernestine is, google her. Lily Tomlin killed it.)

We reached the long-distance operator by dialing 110. (And, I do mean dial – not punch in.)

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Remembering the Good Old days

 A Patriot's Opinion

By Jim Snyder

Ah yes the good old days. We have all heard that statement at least once in our lifetime. You remember back when things were simpler and life wasn’t traveling at the speed of sound. So let’s take a trip down memory lane.

Remember when politicians served the people rather than themselves. Once upon a time they were actually called “representatives” because they used to represent their constituents. Not so any more. Its every man for himself now.

Remember when schools used to teach “all” of America’s history and not just selected sections that fit the liberal narrative. Now we have to tip toe around our history so as not to offend anyone. Pretty sad if you ask me.

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The simple joys

From My Perspective

A recent video of Dallas-area native Candace Payne has recently hit cult status, becoming one of the most popular videos on Facebook Live. In it, she has purchased a Star Wars Chewbacca mask, which she puts on while recording through Facebook Live. Once she dons the mask and opens her mouth, it is learned that the masks “speaks” like Chewbacca does. She begins laughing, and the more she laughs, the more Chewbacca roars, and the hilarity ensues. If you don’t believe me, look up “Chewbacca Mask Mom” on Facebook and you will see what I mean.


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