Boomer Musings
By J. Leslie Riseden
“Good evening. I have a person to- person collect call for Leslie, from Jan. Will you accept the charges?”
“No, I’m sorry, Operator. Leslie isn’t here.” (Muffled giggle.)
“Alright, ma’am. Thank you. Good-bye.”
“You’re welcome. Good-bye.” (Another muffled giggle.)
Now, for our post-boomer readers, a quick primer on old-timey long distance telephone service:
Long-distance calls had to be placed through a long-distance operator. The Bell Telephone Company was the only telephone company in the country, and they had many offices with dozens of operators sitting at long rows of switchboards. (Think Ernestine. If you don’t know who Ernestine is, google her. Lily Tomlin killed it.)
We reached the long-distance operator by dialing 110. (And, I do mean dial – not punch in.)