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Burglary suspect is arrested

By Marlene J. Bohr

Ambreka Nikeia Pinke, 26, of Hughes Springs, was arrested Nov. 8, and charged with burglary of a habitation, according to Hughes Springs Police Chief Randy Kennedy.
“Items missing from the home were identified,” Chief Kennedy said. “We arrested Ms. Pinke for the burglary of a habitation and placed her in the Cass County Jail. She was also arrested for five outstanding traffic warrants out of the office of Justice of the Peace Precinct 2.”
Burglary of a habitation is a felony 2, punishable up to 20 years in prison. Bond was set for Ms. Pinke at $25,000.

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Margine Mims receives Outstanding Community Service Award

Texas Homeless Network presented Margine Mims of Daingerfield with the Outstanding Community Service Award during an awards reception on Sept. 25, as part of the annual Texas Conference on Ending Homelessness.  
For over 25 years, Mrs. Mims has sponsored the Mims Scholarship that has supported numerous students to go on to successful careers in areas such as teaching, law practice, and nursing.  Each year the scholarship supports six low income and/or at-risk students. Mrs. Mims knows the scholarship gives these students an opportunity out of their low poverty living situation. As if offering the scholarship is not enough, she takes it a step further and stays in touch with the students and financial aid offices providing oversight and motivation.  

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Math team captures fourth place overall

The Daingerfield Junior High math team competed at the first meet of the year at Foster Middle School in Longview.  The team placed fourth overall and had several students in the top ten in each event.
 In seventh grade Number Sense, Zach Gilmore placed eighth with Justin Bailey placing 10th. In sixth grade, Justice Dorman placed ninth with Victor Gonzales following with 10th.
 Zack captured fourth place in Calculator, Justin fifth place, Hannah Welch sixth place and Jansen Laney at 10th place. In Sixth grade Calculator, Justice placed first, Victor Gonzalez placed third, Jamie Nix placed seventh, and Hailey Byrd placed eighth.

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Olive graduates from Texas A&M

Riley Thomas Olive of Rocky Branch has received a bachelor of science degree from Texas A&M University-College Station.  He is a 2006 graduate of Daingerfield High School.

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Hughes Springs Junior High math team captures third place

Nineteen Hughes Springs Junior High School students competed in Pine Tree math meet on Nov. 2 at the first math meet of the year. The students earned 17 top 10 awards and came away with the third place overall team trophy.
In sixth grade Jayden Williams placed seventh in General Math; Lucas Pope placed ninth; and Jaycee Alexander placed first. Jaycee also placed sixth in Calculator.
In seventh grade, Philip Campbell captured tenth place in General Math; Dylan Williams placed ninth in Number Sense; and Calli Stewart placed third in Number Sense, fourth place in Calculator, and third place General Math.

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Halloween Biker

This biker babe with leather and tattoos dressed up for Halloween at the Morris County Courthouse on Oct. 31.  The biker is none other than Sherry Ray, secretary to Morris County Judge Lynda Munkres.

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FFA Officers

The Hughes Springs 2013-14 FFA officer team, from left, are, back row, Kassity Connor, sentinel; Jessica Modisett, vice president; Kera Huggins, president; Kendal Sands, reporter; and Denver Kidwell, secretary. On the front row are John Russell, advisor; Jaren Jones, treasurer; Ryan Cates, student advisor; and  Randy Penny, advisor.

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City Kitty

City Kitty, the big orange tabby cat who has ruled Daingerfield City Hall for many years died on Nov. 8. He had lived at city hall most of his life and records show he was born Oct. 1, 1997. He will be missed by many who enjoyed his company.

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Genealogy society to celebrate Veterans Day

The Franklin County Genealogy Society will host a celebration of Veteran’s Day on Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. in the Century Room in Mount Vernon. This meeting will honor and spotlight the service of Glenn Morris, a Mount Vernon resident who served his country.  Everyone is invited to attend.  
During this meeting an interview of Glenn Morris will be presented.  Mr. Morris has agreed to attend so those who wish may thank him for his service to the people of the United States.
The Century Room is located just off the square on Kaufman Street.  Membership is not required for attendance. Light refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome to attend this remembrance of veterans who served and protected.

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Tri-Cities Talk What other entertainment for teenagers would you like to see in Daingerfield?

A roller-skating rink.
Alyxus Jackson

A basketball court at the City Park.
Justin Taylor

An arcade for teenagers.
Casey Dysart


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