The Daingerfield Days Fall Festival will return on the second weekend in October. One of the events that will return is the Community Stew and Style Show. This event will be held on Thursday evening, Oct. 6.
This year’s Stew and Style Show will once again be hosted by The Business and Professional Women’s Club and the Daingerfield Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is in the process right now of securing local and area businesses to provide the fashions for the Style Show.
The Style Show will once again be accompanied by the Community Stew, and both events will again be held at the Methodist Activity Center in Daingerfield.
Tickets will be available for $8 each, and take out will be available. There will also be a Cake Auction that evening, with all proceeds going towards B&PW scholarships. The Style Show and Stew will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.