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New fire truck arrives in Lone Star

By: Toni Walker, Editor of the Bee

The Lone Star Volunteer Fire Department welcomed its newest member on
March 2, as their new brush truck rolled into town. Engine 476 was greeted by
county and city dignitaries, as well as multiple community members.
Chief Jerry Stoermer drove the new engine into town, led by Lone Star police
and Lone Star City vehicles. At the station, anxiously awaiting the new engines arrival,
were multiple dignitaries, including County Judge Munkres, Morris County
Sheriff Jack Martin, and Lone Star mayor Karl Stoermer.

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Every Child Deserves a Loving Home

Mount Pleasant, Texas – Last year, more than 17,000 children were removed from their homes due to evidence
of abuse or neglect and placed in the child welfare system. These children are often placed far away from
their friends and family and forced to navigate the system on their own.
Volunteers with CASA of Titus, Camp and Morris Counties help these children find loving homes as quickly
as possible by speaking up for their best interests in court.

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Great Texas Warrant Roundup begins March 7


Daingerfield and Lone Star Police Department joins together for Warrant Roundup. Representatives of law enforcement agencies and courts from more than 300 jurisdictions across Texas recently announced combined efforts to host the 2015 Great Texas Warrant Roundup beginning Saturday, March 7. The roundup is designed to target thousands of defendants with traffic, parking, city ordinance, penal code and higher charge warrants from participating jurisdictions. It is believed to be the largest joint operation of its kind with arrests expected to continue for several days. Hundreds of thousands of notices were recently mailed statewide by participating entities.

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DPS Offers Spring Break Safety Tips for Texans


The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) is reminding Texans to drive responsibly and to take extra precautions as they make travel plans during Spring Break. “With students and families out of school and off work, the weeks during Spring Break can result in an influx of traffic on Texas roadways,” said DPS Director Steven McCraw. “DPS urges all drivers to do their part to help keep the roads safe for all travelers by adhering to safe driving practices and always driving sober.”

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DPS Invites Current Texas Peace Officers to Become Troopers

Bee Staff Reports –

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) is now accepting applications for an advanced recruit school designed for current Texas law enforcement officers who are interested in becoming Highway Patrol Troopers. The application deadline is March 25; and the eight-week school will begin June 21. “We know that there are highly qualified Texas peace officers who may be interested in becoming Highway Patrol Troopers,” said DPS Director Steven McCraw. “DPS values the expertise and training these professionals possess, and this new recruit school is an excellent opportunity for current law enforcement officers to join DPS.”

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Math Team takes third place in Atlanta meet


The Daingerfield Jr. High Math Team won third place at the Atlanta Middle School Math-Science Meet on Feb. 7. Team standings in division II were: Queen City 1st, Atlanta 2nd, Daingerfield 3rd, Ore City 4th, Spring Hill 5th and McLeod 6th. Individuals placing in the top ten were in Number Sense were Victor Gonzalez, who placed 3rd, Justice Dorman, who placed 4th, and Kiara Robinson who placed 9th. For the 6th grade, Riley Scroll placed 4th, Laura Carter placed 7th and Natalie Beasley placed 8th.

To continue reading this article purchase the March 5th edition of The Steel Country Bee or go to our online e-edition at:

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DECA students advance to state competition

Twenty-seven Hughes Springs High School DECA members competed at DECA’s District Career Development Conference at the Region 8 Educational Service Center in Pittsburg in January. Twenty-two of them will go on to compete at the State CDC in Dallas in February. DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the world. Students choose to compete in a wide range of categories in these fields.

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Hughes Springs Junior High math team places third

The Hughes Springs Junior High math team helped host the Daingerfield- Hughes Springs math meet on Feb. 14. The team from Hughes Springs placed third over, and had several students place in multiple events. For the sixth grade, Tanner Byrd placed 6th in number sense, 5th in calculator, and 6th in general math. Dalton Brock placed 8th in number sense, 9th in calculator, and 5th in general math.

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Twentieth Century Club learns about wildflowers

The Twentieth Century Club’s speaker for their February meeting was Marcus Sandifer, with the Texas Highway Department in Atlanta. Mr. Sandifer gave a short history of “Wildflowers of Texas”. In 1980, Lady Bird Johnson began a program with the Highway Department challenging each district to compete for the prettiest highway in Texas. A monetary gift was given to the winning district. The East Texas District won a few times with their wildflower seeding of the district’s roadsides.

To continue reading this article purchase the March 5th edition of The Steel Country Bee or go to our online e-edition at:

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Library gives away donated quilt

By Toni Walker
Editor of The Bee
Friends of the Daingerfield Public Library had a quilt donated by Joan Richardson, which they then used to raise funds for the library. Mrs. Richardson was given the quilt, finished in Feb. 2010, while she was battling cancer. After fightingcancer, she wanted the quilt “to go to someone who would use it,” said librarian Earlene Walton. The group raised $130, which will be used to help pay for the library’s summer programs. The group has also helped pay for the library’s OverDrive, which is the e-book program. Jonah Walker, of Daingerfield, drew the winning ticket from all entries, and Mrs. June Morris of Daingerfield was the lucky winner.


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