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Watch D.O.G.S. – Heroes Of The Hallways

DAINGERFIELD -- Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) is a program that engages men, inspires children, reduces bullying, and enhances the educational environment of the campus. In Feb. 2012, Daingerfield Junior High joined the more than 2,270 schools in 41 states that were participating in the program. DJH has continued to participate every year since.

On Tuesday, Oct. 24, Counselor Judy Pilgrim is inviting fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, uncles, and other father figures that provide a positive male role model to come and enjoy pizza while being introduced to the program.


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1st Six Weeks Model Mustangs

Top Row: Kenzie Alexander, Mallory Biddy, Claria Robinson, Hannah Abernathy, Mason Rorex, Cade Wilson, Jaydan Harper, Jennifer Rodriguez, Tori Cato, Lane Strawn, Keri Ann Rhodes, Ranoa Weber, Livie Wilson

Middle Row: Ava Breault, Trae Murphy, Javius Mitchell, Branton Duck, Alexis Smith, Carly Harrison, Khloe Stewart, Osvaldo Soto, Jagger Cruz, Timberly Pilgrim, Alexa Reyes, Paige Wellborn, Hayli Elliott, Boomer McDaniel

Bottom Row: Paisli Dawson, Annabelle Sims, Addison Blythe, Max Noreiga, Devin Pope, Gage Martin


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Local students named Honor Students at NTCC

The Northeast Texas Community College Honors Program is pleased to announce its Honors Students for the 2017-2018 school year. This includes nine Presidential Scholars and 12 Honors Scholars. College trustees, administrators and faculty established Honors Northeast in the spring of 2007.

Geared to attract top high school graduates and college students, the program has prospered thanks to a network of loyal supporters in and out of the college. Each year, NTCC honors students have attended and presented research at the Walter Webb Society of Texas, the Great Plains Honors Council (GPHC) and the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC).

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DHS Class of 1955 celebrates 62nd reunion

OMAHA – Members of the Daingerfield High School Class of 1955 gathered on Sept. 16 to celebrate their 62nd reunion. The group gathered at Rear of the Steer in Omaha to celebrate.

Six class members were present. Others in attendance included Stan Little, Billy Terry, Mary Jane Tigert, and Nancy Collins. The class voted to have their next reunion on Sept. 15, 2018 at Ida Mae Quarles’ home in Longview.

During the reunion, the class remembered their classmate Reita Willtrout Clayton, who passed away during the last year.

After visiting, eating, and taking pictures, the reunion was adjourned until 2018.

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O.R.E.O. Project takes learning to the next level for pre-k students

DAINGERFIELD – Since 1999, students around the world have taken part in the O.R.E.O. Project, which stands for “Our Really Exciting Online Project.” Since 2000, students in Mrs. Pam Spann’s classes have been a part of the project.

Jennifer Wagner, a teacher in Southern California, has hosted the project since 1999. According to Spann, students from all 50 states, as well as many Canadian provinces and other countries, participate in the program. This year, Spann’s pre-kindergarten classes took part in the project.

The purpose of the project is to help reinforce math skills in the classroom. According to the project’s website, the project can aid in hand-eye coordination, simple and complex math skills, collaboration, and more.

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State Park opens “Little Free Library”


DAINGERFIELD – Daingerfield State Park is already known as a destination for those looking for a place to camp, fish, or enjoy the great outdoors. Thanks to the Little Pine Friends of the State Park group, visitors can now enjoy a book while enjoying the great outdoors.

Thanks to the Little Pine friends, the State Park now has a registered “Little Free Library” available for guests. The library is available for guests of all ages to come and borrow a book to read while at the park. They can also take the books home with them, share them with friends, or add more books to the library to be shared with others.

The library, which is located near the pavilion, offers books for all ages. Children can also pick out a “reading buddy” to take home to read to and with.

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Honors Northeast wraps filming on new Mary Kay movie

The Northeast Texas Community College Honors Program recently wrapped up filming for its annual feature-length movie. This year’s Honors Northeast film, Mary Kay, tells the story of the legendary Texas cosmetics mogul who founded an empire. Honors students researched the topic, wrote the script, costumed, acted in, directed, filmed and are handling production of the movie. Brenda Godoy directed the 61-scene film, which was shot largely in Fort Worth.

“I am continually amazed at the creativity and ingenuity our students display when putting these films together. It requires a phenomenal amount of coordination to pull off something of this magnitude and they always manage to impress me,” Dr. Andrew Yox, Honors Director, said.

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Court Appointed Special Advocates give kids a chance

CASA of Titus, Camp and Morris Counties welcomed Ariana Villarreal as she took an oath on Aug. 23 before the Camp County Judge, Honorable Judge Loughmiller. Ariana is now sworn in and accepted her duties as a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) volunteer.

As a CASA volunteer you become a part of a caring group of people who work to ensure all children placed in the foster care system, due to abuse and neglect, can have the safe, stable and nurturing environments they need to thrive. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) volunteers speak up for a child in court so that child’s voice can be heard as he or she is going through the foster care system.

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Harvey evacuees find refuge at Daingerfield State Park

Evacuees from Beaumont have found refuge at Daingerfield State Park. Michelle Puckett, along with her boyfriend Troy Walker, left Beaumont on Aug. 25, prior to Hurricane Harvey making landfall. The pair, along with Puckett’s two children, Andrea and Lucas, headed towards family in Texarkana.

“We went to Texarkana,” said Puckett, “because my mother lives there, but it was too crowded.” After hearing that Governor Greg Abbott announced that Texas State Parks would be available to house refugees free of charge, the Pucketts and Walker headed for the nearest to them that was still available, which happened to be Daingerfield State Park.

“I have traveled all over the country,” said Walker, “and this is the most beautiful state park I have seen.”

As of press time, Puckett had no idea when they might be able to return home.

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Fall Fun begins at Daingerfield State Park

Daingerfield— Daingerfield State Park is the perfect place to kick off the fall beginning in September. During the month, the park will host twenty-two programs focused on family entertainment and learning about our natural world.

The park will conduct Ranger led hikes around the lake which winds through the “Cathedral of the Trees”. Also during September, you will have a chance to explore aquatic life on several Saturdays during our Underwater Discovery programs. Paddle boarding and kayaking classes and excursions with a Ranger will get you out on the water (remember all of our programs are FREE). Have fun making nature art on selected Saturdays.

To bring each action packed Saturday to a fitting conclusion, we will host a Dance with classics from our vintage jukebox from 8-10 p.m. New for the month will be campfire songs with Rich Eells at the Amphitheater which will run for an hour before each classic Saturday night dance.


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