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Early voting continues through May 6

By Marlene J. Bohr
Early voting for cities and schools began April 28 and will continue through May 6.
An election will be held for the city of Lone Star as eight people have signed up to run for three positions. The terms of Earl Alexander, Jerri Chism and Martha Wexler are expiring and all three incumbents have signed up to run for another term. Challengers include Bradley L. Harmon, James Barrett, Larry Jones, Elizabeth Kienzle and Keith Reiter.
The cities of Daingerfield and Hughes Springs will not have an election.
Daingerfield-Lone Star Independent School District will not have an election; however, Hughes Springs ISD and Northeast Texas Community College will have elections.
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Con artist asphalt pavers preying on local residents

By Marlene J. Bohr
Hughes Springs Police Chief Randy Kennedy advises area residents to beware of asphalt paver scams in the area.
“There have been con artist asphalt pavers in the area, driving new vehicles,” Chief Kennedy said. “They will come up with the excuse they have been doing a construction job down the road and have asphalt left over. They want to put it in your driveway and after they begin paving the drive, they charge the individual several thousand dollars for the work done. If the individual refuses to pay, they threaten a lawsuit.
“Most of them are men and are driving new trucks.”
Chief Kennedy said he believed the pavers are from Texarkana, Ark.
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College receives several awards and honors

“Since last month our string of national recognitions has continued,” Northeast Texas Community College President Dr. Brad Johnson said in his report to the college board of trustees. The board met April 22 for its regular board meeting.
Dr. Johnson said there were two Jack Kent scholars at NTCC.
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Treasure Trails promises a variety of goodies

By Marlene J. Bohr
Treasure Trails Spring 2014 promises to be a treasure-filled event with many citizens planning yard sales on May 9 and 10. This is a great time to do some spring cleaning and make some money.
In Hughes Springs downtown merchants will spill out onto the sidewalks with their wares during this two-day event.
Maps are available at city hall offices.
If you plan to have a garage sale and want to be placed on the map, contact Rhonda Pitts at City Hall at 903-639-7519. Deadline to be placed on the map is May 7.
Other area cities are joining in Treasure Trails this year.
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Hughes Springs first graders are given free prevent tooth decay kits

All first graders at Hughes Springs Elementary School recently received free prevent tooth decay kits through the Fantastic Teeth Fan Club. Gary Rockefeller of Hughes Springs Masonic Lodge led members in assembling and delivering kits to the school.
The Fantastic Teeth Fan Club, sponsored by Masonic Home and School of Texas, strives to prevent suffering from toothaches, reduce missed school days due to dental problems, and cut costs for dental treatment.
Prevent tooth decay kits contain: a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, healthy teeth sticker, two-minute timer (optimal brushing time), Tips for Healthy Teeth educational info for parents in both Spanish and English, and a summary of MHS services.

Read more in our e-edition:

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Immunizations required to enter seventh grade

State Law requires students in Texas be immunized against certain diseases. In addition to vaccines your child may have already received, certain vaccines are required for students entering seventh grade.
Check your child’s immunization record or check with your medical provider to see if  your child has received the following vaccines: Tdap or Td booster within the past 5 years, Varicella— 2 doses, Meningococcal- 1 dose. Present the updated record to the school as soon as possible and no later than May 16.
Without the proper documentation of required vaccinations or a valid medical conscientious exemption, students will not be allowed
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The 2014 AG Act in effect

Ag producers of livestock, forage, bees, farmraised fish program, etc.,should be aware the 2014 Ag Act is now in effect, according to a Morris County committee member. This act repeals certain programs and continues some with modifications. It also authorizes several new programs.
Some losses are retroactive to cover eligible losses back to Oct. 1, 2011. Call the Farm Service Agency at 903-572-5411, ext.2, to schedule an appointment to discuss if these programs might benefit your ag operation and get information on records needed to apply. For more information, go to
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Daingerfield Seniors meet

Daingerfield Senior Citizen Center members met for a special planning meeting to start two new activities for the community. They need input from the public to have an active center for our area. They are planning to start bingo games one evening a week, perhaps on Saturdays between 6 and 8 p.m. for all adults. Games will be at 106 Scurry St. at the Senior Center also knownas the Old Ice House.
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Tri-Cities Talk

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Hometown Person

Full name: Tammy Carlisle.
I have lived in: Arkansas and Daingerfield.
Family: My husband, Mike Carlisle; my mom, Sue Martin; my daughter and son, Chelsea and Todd in Arkansas; my step-daughter and step-son, Christy Parker and Chris Carlisle in Daingerfield.
Pets: “Sherry Carlisle,” our spoiled, Jack Russell Terrier and my service dog. She thinks she is the “Queen” of Texas.
Occupation: Country singer/songwriter/ DJ.
One of the best things about my job is: I get to work with my husband and meet new people all the time.
My ideal vacation is: Hawaii or the Bahamas.


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