Unofficial Results released from the Morris County Clerk's Office as of 11:39 a.m. Nov. 5.
U.S. Senator
John Cornyn (Rep) 1,986 | 65.37%
David M. Alameel (Dem) 975 | 32.09%
Rebecca Paddock (Lib) 65 | 2.14%
Emily “Spicybrown” Sanchez (Grn) 11 | .36%
WRITE-IN … 1 | .03%
U.S. Representative, District 4
John Ratcliffe (Rep) 1,877 | 100%
Gregg Abbott (Rep) 2,029 | 65.43%
Wendy R. Davis (Dem) 1,028 | 33.15%
Kathie Glass (Lib) 38 | 1.23%
Brandon Parmer (Grn) 5 | .16%
WRITE-IN … 1 | .03%
Lieutenant Governor
Dan Patrick (Rep) 1,948 | 64.42
Leticia Van De Putte (Dem) 1,001 | 33.10%
Robert D. Butler (Lib) 73 | 2.41%
Chandrakantha Courtney (Grn) 2 | .07%
Attorney General
Ken Paxton (Rep) 1,848 | 61.17%
Sam Houston (Dem) 1,106 | 36.61%